1134 drawings,737 hours of work for a flipbook
1134 drawings,737 hours of work for a flipbook
byu/NotDarthVader12 innextfuckinglevel
View Reddit by NotDarthVader12 – View Source
1134 drawings,737 hours of work for a flipbook
1134 drawings,737 hours of work for a flipbook
byu/NotDarthVader12 innextfuckinglevel
View Reddit by NotDarthVader12 – View Source
Cue ‘Take On Me’ Music
source https://youtu.be/-mM4DJ3JyRY
The detail is sick u was blown away when you see Tony’s face briefly
‘All that for a flipbook’
I regret that I only have one upvote to give.
Almost loops perfectly. Was halfway through the second time before I noticed.
Robert Downey Jr. Man is the saddest death in the Marvel Universe.
Alright this is neat. But can you draw a stick dude doing a cartwheel?
What’s the point? It’s obviously just a tracing of each frame lmao what a waste of time
3 weeks straight, that’s long it would take to draw this.
That’s commitment.
Edit: I’m a little number dyslexic and I must of used the wrong numbers.
It would of taken 30.7 days
I love you 3000
This is so cool
I’d rather have $6k from flipping burgers
Thus is a mix of the fight scene from both movies
This is amazing but it feels like a lost opportunity to draw a unique marvel moment, rather than redraw a scene.
This is so well done, and fun to watch.
All that for a single drop of blood
Damn… what an incredible waste of time
You know this is already available in HD right?
Could have made a whole new film but I guess tracing ready made movie stills is a lot quicker and easier.
He did it with nanotechnology
This is amazing! Post it over in the marvel Reddit too
It would be pretty cool to watch the whole movie like this
Damn bruh, it’s pretty much exactly like the move
As a non artist I gotta ask how are you able to average less than 1 hour per drawing for something like this
This is by far the most detailed flip book i have ever seen
this is cool as fuck
Awesome work 👌🏾
That’s not a flip book, you’ve just done frame-by-frame animation at that point.
Couldnt you just watch the movie?
I’m unsure how to feel about someone putting this much technical skill into copying a scene that someone else already put the creative energy into composing. I guess if it makes them happy, but… why though
Excellent capture of that scene!
Anyone else saying all the words in their head with Thanos voice?
‘All that for a drop of blood’
dp is amazing
Fucking awesome my dude!
This would be much more impressive if it wasnt a shot for shot remake of the actual scene.
The quality is superb and there is a wonderful sense of movement that is simply… Well, undermined by it basically just being a rotoscope with little embellishment and seemingly no effort to personalize or take advantage of the medium.
Technically its fantastic, but I would love to see that skill and and stylization to adding something to the scene instead of it being essentially a very labour intensive Instagram filter.
Bring on the downvotes.
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