When you have physical beef with a big pig.

When you have physical beef with a big pig

When you have physical beef with a big pig.

When you have physical beef with a big pig.
byu/InternationalPen2224 inPublicFreakout


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30 responses to “When you have physical beef with a big pig.”

  1. AshTreex3 Avatar

    She tries so hard to figure out why she’s even mad about it:

    “Dogs have to be on a leash!”

    “He’s pooping on the grass!”

    “He’s huge!”

  2. hwiwhy Avatar

    *You are being a grumpy pants*

  3. cute_physics_guy Avatar


  4. JaysusShaves Avatar

    I hate these people.

  5. tranquil-animals Avatar

    The way she circles around them flailing her arms and repeating herself, never deciding what her point is… she has the spirit of a… a Canadian goose.

    Edit: it’s supposed to be Canada goose. I know. I am a dumb bitch, but it’s all I’ve got.

    Exit 2: [official Government of Canada strategies for reducing goose/human conflicts. ](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/migratory-bird-conservation/managing-conflicts/frequently-asked-questions.html) Stay safe out there everyone.

  6. boney1984 Avatar

    Lol you hear the pig’s name near the end of the video.


  7. Uharugger Avatar

    I want to know if this woman freaks out when someone walks a giant Great Dane. I’m guessing the answer is no.

  8. SpencerMuseumOfArt Avatar

    I do not understand why people get so concerned with things that have no impact on them at all. If I saw a giant pig on a walk I would find it amusing if anything.

    Maybe she has some sort of pig-phobia and the moment she saw it she obsessed over it. Even then that still wouldn’t explain her actions.

  9. dukeluke2000 Avatar

    Did anyone catch that the pigs name is Chorizo, that gave me a laugh

  10. Rebeccaissoawesome Avatar

    She’s fat shaming an animal

  11. SanianCreations Avatar

    Honestly, respect to these people. You’ll often see clips of people with piglets as pets because they’re cute and small, but they’ll do away with them once they grow big. Not these guys. Huge props to them.

  12. unicorntacos420 Avatar

    They missed their chance for a good comeback when that bitch said “I want to know where that pig lives”

  13. ChunkyPuppyKissez Avatar

    It absolutely blows my mind that there are people out there that see a couple ladies walking a giant pig, calling him Chorizo, and get thoroughly pissed off rather than immediately wanting to make friends with them and hang out with their pig.

    I’m convinced this lady’s husband told her she can’t get a pig or something and now she’s bitter and jealous that they have a pig.

  14. Postmodernfinn Avatar

    That pig is absolutely majestic. I just want to pet it!

  15. WroteitRedddit Avatar

    Hello, police? I’d like to report a large pig on a leash. No, he wasn’t hurting anyone. I think it’s against the HOA rules. You don’t care? That’s not a criminal matter? But, you don’t understand, this pig was huge. It was just too much! Too much! Yes, way too much! I can’t take it, so you must arrest her—I don’t know her name because she wouldn’t give it to me, but she lives in the same community. You’re hanging up now? This is all way too much!

  16. I_upvote_downvotes Avatar

    0:39 – Huh, okay well this Karen is nuts, but I can sort of understand why she’d get annoyed if the pig was making a mess on her lawn-

    0:40 Wait wtf? It’s a public park??

    Maybe these types need to harass people, and they migrate during droughts like animals needing water?

    They’re probably currently unable to harass retail workers at the quota they need to feel stable, so they look for greener pastures by wandering the local parks. Just a theory.

  17. Kelevracado4287 Avatar

    Theres a lady where i live that has a pig she walks.

    She let me pet em once. Smaller than this piggie.

  18. Mrs_Muzzy Avatar

    Straight harassment.

  19. vhisic Avatar

    Them: Leave us alone were on a walk.

    Me: Let me pat the pig!

    Them: No go away.

    Me: Where does the pig live? I will be following up on this.

  20. ElectricMahogany Avatar

    Maa’m, you are upsetting the pig 😠

  21. olaktl Avatar

    This is like a parody of this exact same situation.

  22. JohnnyBeGoodz Avatar

    That lady just gave up a pretty good shot at getting to pet that pig. Talk about a waste of an opportunity.

  23. Mattrockj Avatar

    I REALLY want a followup, and see what happened.

  24. Reddit_is_pretty Avatar

    I had to watch this twice, the first time all I did was look at the pig

  25. TDIsideHustle Avatar

    Karen is the true Pig here

  26. PeepDurple12 Avatar

    “Ma’am he’s eating the landscape”

    “You’re being a grumpy pants”


  27. Throwaway00000000028 Avatar

    This is hilarious. Thank you

  28. Antique_Ninjaku Avatar

    ‘Look at that’

    All i could think of,

    ‘Would you look at that?’


  29. floatinrn Avatar

    How pathetic do you have to be at 40+ to think to yourself “wow look at those people enjoying their day, I’m gonna go be a fucking problem for no good reason at all”

  30. Eat_your_cake_too Avatar

    Wee wee all the way home

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