Black Army Medic Pepper-Sprayed in Traffic Stop Accuses Officers of Assault

Black Army Medic Pepper Sprayed in Traffic Stop Accuses Officers of

Black Army Medic Pepper-Sprayed in Traffic Stop Accuses Officers of Assault


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38 responses to “Black Army Medic Pepper-Sprayed in Traffic Stop Accuses Officers of Assault”

  1. puja_puja Avatar

    > “What would have been a two-minute traffic stop turned into all this,” Officer Crocker says in the footage. “I’m not out to hurt you and I know you don’t want to hurt me.”

    Then why did you point guns at him and pepper spray him?…

  2. reddicyoulous Avatar

    >Officer Gutierrez said he would not have to write a summons for obstruction of justice and failure to display a license plate “if you want to chill and let this go.”

    “Please don’t report my ego trip.”

    He should lose his job and should never work in law enforcement again at the very least.

  3. Complete_Entry Avatar

    Those two dipshits are too frightened to be police officers.

    They fear for their lives when they encounter… tinted windows.

    The Lieutenant was very smart to pull into the service station. Had he not, we might not have even heard of this story.

    EMS saved his life in multiple ways.

    These officers should be terminated.

  4. Kayakman28 Avatar

    The [video]( is absolutely worth watching. What these “cops” did should cost them their job, pensions, and should be accompanied by assault/battery charges.

  5. GoodDave Avatar

    He has got a solid case.

    These cops should be disqualified from serving as police….permanently.

  6. AFlaccoSeagulls Avatar

    > Officer Gutierrez said he would not have to write a summons for obstruction of justice and failure to display a license plate “if you want to chill and let this go.”

    This, to me, is the worst of it all. There’s other examples in the story of Gutierrez basically trying to intimidate and black mail(?) the victim. Then, in their report, all of the officers said they didn’t give him a ticket because they didn’t want to destroy his army career over “one mistake” (what was the fucking mistake?!).

    These guys, all of them, need to be fired, prosecuted and convicted because this is fucking bullshit.

  7. Sheeple_person Avatar

    It’s massively fucked up that he calmly and sincerely says “Frankly I’m afraid” and the cop says “You should be afraid”……

    Uh *what??* A person who’s broken no laws *should be afraid* of the police? So that’s what policing is about? Maybe time to take that serve and protect bullshit off the cars then.

  8. unwrittenZephyr Avatar

    > “I am afraid to get out of the car.”

    > “You should be.”


  9. DentateGyros Avatar

    There’s nothing more this man could have done, yet he still got brutalized

    * Be an active serving member of the armed forces

    * Be in military fatigues at the time of being pulled over

    * Have your hands up and clearly visible during the entire encounter

    * Tolerate a point blank pepper spray to the face without moving your hands

    * Be polite, levelheaded, and clearly answer all questions calmly during this entire episode

    Dude pitched a no-hitter, and that *still* wasn’t enough.

  10. amxorca Avatar

    **“What’s going on?” Lieutenant Nazario then asks.**

    **“What’s going on is you’re fixing to ride the lightning, son,” Officer Gutierrez yells.**


    Do cops think they are THOR?

  11. Ignoradulation Avatar

    Why are cops seemingly pulling out guns for every little thing. Even someone running away doesn’t warrant them being shot at. Why does it seem like that’s always the first move.

  12. DankrudeSandstorm Avatar

    Why do these pieces of shit still have a job?

  13. 2KilAMoknbrd Avatar

    That asshole Officer Gutierrez was pissed because Second Lt. Caron Nazario didn’t stop back on a dark road where he could mete out some justice in seclusion.
    That soldier did the right thing driving to a well lit location

  14. RightClickSaveWorld Avatar

    >Lieutenant Nazario said he would be alerting his supervisors about what had occurred.
    >“I get it,” Officer Gutierrez says. “The media spewing race relations between law enforcement and minorities, I get it.”

    Really? Blame the media? How about you take some personal responsibility.

  15. Higgo8643 Avatar

    As a Brit that’s lived in the US for 10 years I have to say the difference in the Police is staggering. It’s not unusual in the UK to see the police out and about in the community “walking the beat” so you do become pretty used to them and I don’t typically see them as a threat.
    In the US your only interactions with the Police are either being stopped by them on the road or seeing them parked out the way watching you drive by. It’s very much and us vs them mentality and I genuinely always feel nervous driving past them here.

  16. ABRadar Avatar

    Are you a specialist or corporal? Lololol this dumbfuck wanted him to be a lower enlisted member that he could assert his dominance over. I bet when he said LT that guy was like “oh fk”

  17. DragoonDM Avatar

    > “I’m honestly afraid to get out of the car,” Lieutenant Nazario says.
    > “Yeah,” says one of the officers, Joe Gutierrez, according to footage from his body camera. “You should be.”

    Guessing Officer Gutierezz is too dim to understand the gravity and reality of what he said there.

  18. SmilingForStrangers Avatar

    This dude said “you’re about to ride the lightening.” He was itching to show his little partner what a big strong man he is. WTF is wrong with this guy

  19. OGCH Avatar

    I grew up near where this occurred. This part of route 460 is dark and doesn’t have street lights. There also isn’t a shoulder on this road, just a ditch, so it’s dangerous to just pull over. The fact that he drove to the gas station is completely normal under the circumstances.

  20. CapedDebater Avatar

    Cop says “you’re under arrest.” And then immediately corrects himself, “you’re being detained”

    This isn’t a job for people who misspeak to a degree like that. You need to have meaning and force behind your words. Not waffling on what you’re doing because you aren’t well versed enough in understanding the limits of your own authority.

    Regardless of the excessive force, that slip up was enough for me to know he was a bad cop. And there was literally no reason to detain this guy. He was completely calm and very reasonably asking why he was being told to exit his car.

  21. Dirtybrd Avatar

    End qualified immunity nationwide.

  22. kgun1000 Avatar

    I mean I would be scared stiffless. Fuck guns out and a war vet who may have ptsd. Poor guy.

    Remember [Daniel Shaver in Arizona LA Quinta]( poor guy was so scared and crawling with some nut cop with a gun giving him confusing ass commands. Then gets killed.

  23. tdevine33 Avatar

    “I get it,” Officer Gutierrez says. “The media spewing race relations between law enforcement and minorities, I get it.”

    Holy shit, he still does not get it.

  24. Realsorceror Avatar

    Saw people in other threads saying things like “we don’t know the whole situation” or “we never see the whole video from the beginning”. And I say to those people…it doesn’t matter. Cops should not behave this way. Doesn’t matter the situation. Time and again we see cops behave like animals and people come out of the woodwork to make excuses.

    They are supposed to be the professionals. There is no other job on the planet where an employee can behave like this and not only keep their job, but be *celebrated* for it.

  25. TopHatJaguar Avatar

    If you’ve never been pepper sprayed you’ve never wished for the sweet embrace of death. Thanks non-lethal training, go fuck yourself.

  26. jce_superbeast Avatar

    Assault on a service member in uniform should be investigated by JAG. If the police department doesn’t like it they can face the united states military and 100% of the consequences that might ensue.

  27. Reacher-Said-N0thing Avatar

    I mean yeah. We all saw the video, that was assault. Charge em, book em, and sentence them. If you don’t, everyone knows what that means.

  28. ABRadar Avatar

    Become an officer in the military.

    Get pulled over.

    Calmly speak to the officers with hands clearly in sight.

    Get pepper sprayed and beaten because you dared asked why you were pulled over.

    This is America.

  29. Quick_shift18 Avatar

    He’s seeking $1M in compensation…he should go for more

  30. Collins_Michael Avatar

    “I’m afraid to get out.”

    “Yeah you should be.”

    Excuse me what the fuck? These assclowns threatened a citizen and soldier’s safety *if he complied with their instructions* and then assaulted him, and it’s on video.

  31. Saito1337 Avatar

    Yeah, this is why growing up in a very poor inner city even as a white kid I ended up seeing the police as a violent occupying force rather than peacekeepers. I saw exactly how they treated my non-white friends. To this day I wouldn’t trust them.

    Edit: For context that department was so corrupt that eventually the entire thing was disbanded.

  32. Dude_McDude92 Avatar

    What fucking scumbags.

  33. earhere Avatar

    Those cops were acting like he had just shot up a school, when all they wanted to stop him for was not having plates; when he actually did have temporary tags posted in the rear window because he had just bought the vehicle. If police weren’t trained to escalate every encounter to the point of violence, this wouldn’t be news.

  34. Feralmedic Avatar

    “Too nervous to stop on a darkened road”

    These are the police and they have become the villains. Fucking sad.

  35. Narcopolypse Avatar

    Wait, Joe Gutierrez?!?!? I served with that piece of shit in the Corps! Had to watch the video to make sure, but holy shit, sure looks like him! That dumb mother fucker got shit canned from his previous department for…

    Responded to a noise complaint. Found a dog tied up in the back yard of the house in question. Family wasn’t home. Grabbed his AR-15 and shot the dog in the head. Closed report and left.
    Hours later got another noise complaint, same address. Goes back to find dog clinging to life. Family still not home. Shoots dog again.
    Family comes home, can’t find the dog, thought it ran away. A week later, they hear whimpering from under the house. Dog is STILL alive and made a partial recovery but with lifelong struggles.

    Fuck that ass hole!

  36. Jtg_Jew Avatar

    I normally don’t watch these, but I was very curious to see if they treated a soldier in uniform any different to anyone else of color… but of course they don’t.

  37. Explosivo87 Avatar

    “I’m scared to get out”

    “You should be”

    That’s a threat. The cop shouldn’t be a cop off of that alone.

  38. getBusyChild Avatar

    The fact that Medical Assistants, and Hair Stylists have longer training courses than Police Officers says all you need to know about policing in this country.

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