Veritas, Anna Steinbauer, Digital, 2019
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Lo fi chamber orchestras to relax/study to
Combines the “normal world” with the “witching world” extremely well. Fantastic composure.
But as someone who barbecues frequently in their garage, I’d suggest that person had better hope a room-entering breeze doesn’t spring up though – that cauldron’s belching something fierce.
Wow! This is so well done, I love the whole mood of this.
she is also known for her work on several *Magic: The Gathering* cards including staples such as [Past in Flames](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/105/past-in-flames) and [Liliana, the Last Hope](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/93/liliana-the-last-hope)
amazing artist
I am amazed at the skill. How is this achieved? I realize there must be ton of practice and talent, but from a techincal point of view?
Beautiful work. I really like the atmosphere
Love this! Awesome Digital work.
This looks braethtakingly amazing!
Realistic feet and hands are VERY difficult. Well done!
And she’s a lefty. Nice touch.
This warmed me so much. This is a dream room for me!
It was so kind of the cat to leave room for its human in its chair.
r/WitchesVsPatriarchy would love this.
You fuckers are way too talented.
Fro a moment I thought this was jst a photo. Amazing!
Holy fuck I thought this was real
I love this in so many ways. I keep scrolling back to it. Very profound words cannot describe.
Ooh nice, cozy at-home witchcraft
Is anyone else getting Hermione Granger vibes from this? It’s a gorgeous picture.
Holy lony pony eating maceroni with a side of ravioly
You fuckers are way too talented.
Hello Anna, fellow artist here. Love your use of light here. Love the candle light highlighting the structural architecture of the genies lamp from Aladdin. I knew someone had to modify it to house a spirit that needed 100kg of feathers and 100kg of concrete just to survive with no Internet. Lovely lovely textures
Reminds me of a Princeton dorm room.
the people she lives by must be worried by the large amount of smoke coming from her window
No way it started in only 2019
It’s like a historical and/or magical version of the [Lofi Girl](https://www.google.com/search?q=low+fi+girl&oq=low+fi+girl&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i10i433j46j0i10i433j46i10j0j69i60l2.1934j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).
Finally taking personal responsibility for [accelerating] climate change.
One of the best artworks I’ve seen in a long time. Well done!!!
There is something that puts me off digital paintings even if they are technically excellent, I think it is the over smoothness and the artificial colours – Does anyone else feel this way?
I can only fully appreciate a digital painting when it doesn’t look like a digital painting if you know what I mean
I love this corner omg. I wish I had a corner like this!
Getting strong Agatha Harkness vibes
WoW tremendous absolutely amazing 💗💗💗💗
Gives me terrible anxiety of my fire alarm going off and shattering my eardrums. Great art though!
What is it white women and their larping as witches?
I feel this so much! Masterfully done.
Holy fuck this is impressive. Mad props to ya
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