*laughs in spinster*

laughs in spinster

*laughs in spinster*


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32 responses to “*laughs in spinster*”

  1. mycatiscalledFrodo Avatar

    My great nan was alone for about 25 years after her husband died. She was incredibly healthy,baked and cooked for the “old dears” in the flats (she was the oldest!), was mentally there right until the end and passed away at 104. She was sad he died but wasn’t sad to be alone, she had her hobbies and her family. If someone makes you happy then great, but don’t stop being happy just to.fund someone

  2. MichelleInMpls Avatar

    Them: You’ll end up childless and alone!

    Me: Fingers crossed, yeah!

  3. WickedWitchofWTF Avatar

    When women choose to be alone, it’s because they did the math and realized that they would be far better off with a vibrator and a loving pet, rather than stuck with an asshole who expects their domestic servitude and deference. I really wish more men would realize this, and would maybe try this /radical/ thing called self-improvement, rather than to believe that they are God’s gift to women.

  4. Broom_Hilda Avatar

    Years ago we celebrated an elderly coworkers birthday. Someone asked what the secret to a long life was, without pause she replied “divorce”.

  5. henke Avatar

    Be with a romantic partner if it makes you happy.

    Be single if it makes you happy.

    Live in a cottage in the woods with a likeminded group of friends if it makes you happy.

    Do not shame others for their choices.

  6. theLord666666 Avatar

    I feel attacked.
    I was just trying to get a Pepsi.

  7. marmosetohmarmoset Avatar

    I wonder what the stats are for married lesbians.

  8. Martha_MacGyver Avatar

    More room for plants!

  9. Wizard_of_Wake Avatar

    Back in my single days I had one woman in particular who used the “die alone” line as some sort excuse to “just pick any willing woman” to date.

    Honestly the whole concept felt so disingenuous that it led me to believe it was better to die alone than be with someone you didn’t love.

    Funny how after I stopped hanging around her and that whole toxic group of people, I was much happier. And I met someone I didn’t have to “settle for”.

  10. Cat_With_The_Fur Avatar

    If I had a dollar for every time some strange man says “and that’s why you’ll die alone” to me on various social media platforms, I’d have enough money to start my dream shelter for old cats!

  11. dingdongsnottor Avatar

    We have got to stop making women feel bad for choosing to be single and men get a free fucking pass 🤗

  12. JakeAdler-ismyname Avatar

    Is that because men have been conditioned by a society to find someone to fill their own wants and needs? Instead of working to fix themselves? Maybe some sort of “Mommy complex”? as in, I need someone to take care of me, because I am too depressed to do so myself?

    I saw this alot, with younger singled men pre pandemic, But I feel like this is on the rise during and post pandemic too.

    Almost like alot of incel white boys want to blame women and the government for keeping them single lol

  13. neish Avatar

    Stop it, you’re threatening me with a good time.

  14. giskah Avatar

    Men are in dire need of healing.. I don’t have any comfort left in me to give..

  15. erikeu4account Avatar

    There’s a misconception that women (and men) are less happy with children than without. This comes from the data being largely reported from America where childcare and maternity leave is shit, women usually get all childcare responsibility (and often the costs) dumped on them, and men rarely have access to parental leave.

    There’s also a lot of trouble controlling factors in these studies as they’re necessarily observational. Statistics concerning people who have kids include people who wanted them and people who did not. It’s really hard to separate these out, especially in countries like America or developing countries where women are viewed as less valuable if they aren’t reproducing. If you look at stats in Norway where parents are happier than non-parents, way more of the ‘have kids’ people being surveyed actually wanted kids and weren’t just pressured (or forced) to reproduce.

    I’m not saying this to try to shoot down the original post. There are a lot of women and men who choose to be childfree and are happier because of it. More power to them. Especially women facing pressure to have kids they don’t want.

    But there are also a lot of women and men in the USA who have children or do not have children because of toxic culture or shitty social support networks, rather than by choice, and they often get left out of the conversation.

    **TL;DR** – people who want children are probably happier if they have them, people who do not are probably happier without

  16. stefaniey Avatar

    Talk about threatening someone with a good time.

  17. tummyroller Avatar

    How is that hilarious that’s so sad..

  18. GazLord Avatar

    Men think they’re worth more than they are. But really most of them are just children who want you to take care of them (plus more ACTUAL children).

  19. Sororita Avatar

    anyone know the statistics for homosexuals? because I feel like my GF and I lift each other up and take care of each other rather than either needing to do the bulk of the work.

  20. Mirroruniversejim Avatar

    You don’t need someone else’s misery to support your happiness. As a male witch I feel sympathy for those who are alone and feel unloved, even other men. That sadness can lead to bitterness which makes one easily requitable by extremists

  21. MissAustralianBi Avatar

    this clearly demonstrates that men should marry each other for live while women should remain single. best of both worlds

  22. liyote Avatar

    I love being a Thornback!

  23. WizenedOldCrone Avatar

    What do us middle people do? Dance in the androgynous queer strange rainbow view. Melancholy of joyful woe putting smiles on the lips and levity in the tears. It’s not all a joke.

  24. [deleted] Avatar


  25. STThornton Avatar

    This! So this!

  26. [deleted] Avatar


  27. FloffySnurfles Avatar

    It makes perfect sense if you think about it from the perspective that too many men are selfish idiots.

  28. [deleted] Avatar


  29. HippieCorps Avatar

    I’m never going to find someone am I

  30. -Saris- Avatar

    I don’t disbelieve this claim but I’d love to see the study this comes from.

  31. SadDragonGirl Avatar

    Maybe single straight women……

  32. mochi_chan Avatar

    It’s like threatening me with whisky and video games 😀 Where is the threat?

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