How in the actual fuck can you give this kind of opinion any time of day??

How in the actual fuck can you give this kind

How in the actual fuck can you give this kind of opinion any time of day??


View Reddit by Snacks_is_HungryView Source


30 responses to “How in the actual fuck can you give this kind of opinion any time of day??”

  1. Thiccowski Avatar

    As if they give a fuck about African women either.

  2. GreenHairedSnorlax Avatar

    Ah yes, because if there’s a single place on Earth where people have it even worse then you automatically live a perfect life in a perfect society so have no right to complain or try and make things better.

  3. AsimovtheCat Avatar

    I feel like at the beginning that sub was genuinely accepting and funny but then right wingers found it and realised that they could spout their bullshit there under the veneer of comedy. Or maybe it was always like that and I didn’t realise it.

  4. ManofCatsYT Avatar

    i hate the idea so much that because someone has it worse than you your problems aren’t as valid

  5. Rockworm503 Avatar

    this kind of strawmanning is the worst kind. Just take all the women who have been actual victims of rape and pretend they just had sex and regretted it or are evil bitches who want to hurt men for no reason.

    Fucking hell calling attention to this is not just important to women fucking troglodytes! Men are victims of rape to! But hey gotta get that whataboutism about another part of the world you couldn’t give two shits about in an effort to shut women up.

  6. twodeepfouryou Avatar

    >Guess which one has “rape culture”


  7. imisuchajerk Avatar

    Both… the first example doesn’t seem like rape culture to me but it doesn’t disprove its existence.

    The second one just describes a heinous crime.

    Nothing here disproves anything around rape culture.

  8. dynawesome Avatar

    “Stop crying, I don’t care if a dude took advantage of you, got you pregnant, and gave you HIV.”

    I’m starting to get angry with many of the users in r/politicalcompassmemes

  9. BREITHAMM Avatar

    Ironically, Duderino’s post itself is an aspect of rape culture

  10. _luksx Avatar

    Pcm is a racist subreddit. All the opinions about black people are “blm antifa sjw bad” or “black conservative based”

  11. pirate-private Avatar

    Tell me you need a castration without telling me you need a castration.

  12. albinorhino215 Avatar

    Both, both are rape culture

  13. AweHellYo Avatar

    This poster has not had sex yet, but is so worried about the stories he’s heard from online ‘friends’ that women can declare sex rape if they regret it, and is so sure anyone that has sex with him will regret it, he’s already very frustrated about it.

  14. CptMatt_theTrashCat Avatar

    Whataboutism and centrism go hand in hand

  15. TheHeroicLionheart Avatar

    The both person who drowned in pool, and the person who drowned in the ocean died by drowning.

  16. nicklewound Avatar

    Somebody’s mad they don’t get laid.

    He’s a nIcE gUy!

  17. dickforadolla Avatar

    At this point why would anyone participate in PCM? It’s legitimately just a bunch of Republicans claiming flair of all the political parties and stroking eachothers dicks.

  18. BonzaM8 Avatar

    Rape culture exists in other countries. Therefore it doesn’t exist in my country.

    – This fucking idiot probably

  19. CS_ZUS Avatar

    Ah the classic “it’s even worse elsewhere” argument

  20. RushCultist Avatar

    When the revolution comes in Minecraft every PCM user will be subjected to peaceful re-education through joyful labor in Minecraft.

  21. vulpinefun Avatar


    Honestly if they spent like more than 3 seconds thinking about it how could they think that’s ok

  22. CaptainofChaos Avatar

    Imagine having so little self awareness that you argue against rape culture by perpetuating rape culture.

  23. MomentOfHesitation Avatar

    We haven’t yet had a woman as president but somehow sexism isn’t a problem.

  24. 7itemsorFEWER Avatar

    Abandon PCM. Using it just validates a sub that trivializes fascism, racism, homophobia, and classism.

    Leaving it was the best decision I’ve made on reddit.

  25. Henry_Fnord Avatar

    wich sub is this?

  26. mrswordhold Avatar

    Tbf the use of the phrase “rape culture” in America is stupid.

    Edit: downvote me but I’m right

  27. CreepyOwl18 Avatar

    To be fair regretting fucking someone isn’t rape

  28. FirstPost10-18-2030 Avatar

    … both?

  29. WinchesterModel70 Avatar


  30. HeftyCandidate Avatar

    they both do? in different ways? i know its a really hard concept for this sub that two things can be true at the same time.

    also the first example is such a strawman, we have an issue with sexual assault in America, reducing it to “women are lying lol” is dishonest.

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