Indianapolis FedEx shooting suspect was part of My Little Pony subculture of ‘bronies’: Report

Indianapolis FedEx shooting suspect was part of My Little Pony

Indianapolis FedEx shooting suspect was part of My Little Pony subculture of ‘bronies’: Report


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25 responses to “Indianapolis FedEx shooting suspect was part of My Little Pony subculture of ‘bronies’: Report”

  1. Spectacles_1170 Avatar

    I’m worried there are gonna be reports on national news explaining what bronies are now

  2. The19thcircle Avatar

    “There was a post timestamped less than an hour before the shooting that read, ‘I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her,’ and it featured an image of the cartoon pony Applejack.”

  3. yellingatcloudsguy Avatar

    Every single thing about this is just depressing.

  4. Electrical-Cover-499 Avatar

    That’s not spreading the magic of friendship

  5. Varahdin Avatar

    Yet another tragedy that had been red flagged by his own family. The authorities reviewed and obviously came to the wrong conclusion. Lives could have been saved if mental health was taken seriously. We’re dropping the ball on those suffering mental illness. This is the result.

  6. zstandig Avatar

    Those are still a thing?

  7. lasagna_for_life Avatar

    The first time I heard of bronies was on *Bob’s Burgers,* and I genuinely thought that the show made them up.

  8. ---TheFierceDeity--- Avatar

    Subcultures and minority identity groups are the primary targets of extremist groomers because they contain higher concentrations of emotionally vulnerable people with whom they can manipulate to their own nefarious ends.

    It’s how you see weird fking combinations like Nazi-Furries. They’re some kid who probably has a rough life or is treated badly for their hobbies/identity, then some scumbag comes along and pretends to be their friend, while slipping pieces of their ideology to them. Giving them someone to “blame” for their lot in life.

  9. Bent_Brewer Avatar

    > “Brony online culture has displayed elements of far-right and white nationalist extremism,” an internal memo from Facebook read, the *Wall Street Journal* reported.


    Wait, what? When the hell did this happen? I thought Friendship Was Magic and shit.

  10. BelieveInRollins Avatar

    2021 is so wild you just can’t make this shit up

  11. Onionringsamsquatch Avatar

    Oh god is this the moment that my parents find out what bronies are. It was weird enough hearing them starting saying ‘incels’

  12. SeSuSo Avatar

    Are they going to start using My Little Pony as a scapegoat like they did video games?

  13. ShakeForProtein Avatar

    Look, as much as the MLP thing is just weird to me, I hardly think it’s remotely relevant when it comes to the idea of shooting a bunch of people. Much like video games, My Little Pony does not make you shoot people.

  14. Pokonic Avatar

    I’m surprised no one here knows about the stupidest book of all time, [My Nationalist Pony](

  15. razzi123 Avatar

    Of course they are going to blame a slightly subversive culture of furries/bronies, on some extremist shit This dude was just super fucked.

  16. penelope_reddit Avatar

    Article: The shooter suggested Jesus was reincarnated as Adolf Hitler and said his life had no meaning without Applejack the cartoon pony

    Reddit: Clearly the red flag here is being a brony

  17. stoli80pr Avatar

    This is just shitting on those who are unpopular. No one believes that there’s some kind of domestic terror threat coming from Bronies.

  18. HamClamper Avatar

    I died laughing, resurrected (because I’m holey), and died again due to the “Brony culture has ties to far right extremism and white supremacy” lolololol

  19. crew88 Avatar

    For those that know the show or that have seen some of these bronies irl, know that these teens are usually hurting or stunted emotionally for a reason. It is not surprising he was a fan of something incredibly wholesome to balance out this side and suicidal side of him. It probably made life even more difficult…

  20. Master_of__None Avatar

    One of the douchiest bars in my hometown is named Broneys. Wrong spelling, but it still makes me chuckle.

  21. PenguinNinjaCat Avatar

    I forgot Bronies were a thing.

  22. Th0r1337 Avatar

    Incels are the new ISIS!!

  23. JaeCryme Avatar

    I was waiting for the media to blame this on violent video games or shows, but I was not prepared for this plot twist.

  24. dennismfrancisart Avatar

    I’m going to put it out there again. We need to scrap the idea that we are doing just fine without universal healthcare. We need everyone in this country to have access to mental health and even more important, we need to remove the stigma, the shame and false pride associated with handling mental disorder.

  25. chrisplusplus Avatar

    MLP posting will get you banned on almost every single board on 4chan except /mlp/ . 4chan mods had to quarantine them to their own board and threaten perma bans to keep it contained. That’s how toxic they are.

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