You know the post is filled with racism when even the trueunpopularopinion locks it

You know the post is filled with racism when even

You know the post is filled with racism when even the trueunpopularopinion locks it


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41 responses to “You know the post is filled with racism when even the trueunpopularopinion locks it”

  1. burstlung Avatar

    Imagine how the indigenous population feels.

  2. arrav21 Avatar

    Wait until he learns about indigenous Australians.

  3. Shirogayne-at-WF Avatar

    The mask flew off with this, huh 😬

  4. AtomicRainSpike Avatar

    I’m not racist.

    <One long, xenophobic, racist rant later>

    Ok, maybe that makes me racist, but I don’t care.

  5. karlkash Avatar

    All that to just say “Im racist and scared”

  6. kievanrussbanner Avatar

    It’s so easy to type a lot of words but make no real argument

  7. UnwashedApple Avatar

    And don’t even get me started on all the Chinese restaurants with their Chinese take-out or delivery.

  8. SomeWeirdHoe Avatar

    I feel bad for the Chinese people that have to deal with people like him

  9. Dogey-McDogeface Avatar

    I’ll go back to China when u dig up your ancestors and fuck off back to England k?

  10. ishita224 Avatar

    do these people think they are the original inhabitants of Australia….

  11. 3FootDuck Avatar

    As of 2019 a little under 6% of the population are Chinese immigrants. Can’t really say that’s “massive amounts. . . Low-key taking over”

  12. TheguywhopressesR Avatar

    The audacity of a colonizer saying this shit is baffling.

  13. bboymixer Avatar

    It’s weird to see some dude go off on an unhinged rant about Chinese people while simultaneously wondering “why don’t they want to assimilate and spend more time with people like me?”

  14. moon-drag0n Avatar

    I am saying this as someone from Melbourne, Australia with immigrant parents; I want to throw my cordless mouse at his dumb, stupid face and hope it falls onto his can of disgusting, piss beer VB and knocks it out of his hand and falls on the ground and fucks up his dumb, ugly, broken thongs (flip flops for my American fam).

  15. soldierofthesun Avatar

    op is gonna lose their shit when they find out what Colonizers did to the Indigenous Australians

  16. zephyr121 Avatar

    Tough talk from a guy from a former prison colony

  17. DillaVibes Avatar

    I guess massive immigration should be a privilege only given to white people lol

  18. sir-cyrus-motherfu- Avatar

    Dude, what Australian culture? Australian culture is a mashup of sport gambling and overdrinking with a little bit of harassing our only competent politician on the daily.

    You can’t erase what isn’t there.

  19. CaptainWaterpaper Avatar

    I read that in an Australian accent lol

  20. Haschen84 Avatar

    Its always funny to see former colonies complain about another group taking over. The irony is immeasurable.

  21. Ariak Avatar

    Love how they go from “I don’t believe myself to be superior” to “oh well I guess now that I think about it, all Western cultures are just better”

  22. Tylendal Avatar

    I don’t know why everyone expects Granny from the old country to speak perfect English. Give it a generation.

  23. [deleted] Avatar


  24. death_of_flats Avatar

    >As a whole, Australian residents identifying themselves as having Chinese ancestry made up 5.6% of those nominating their ancestry at the 2016 census and numbered 1,213,903

    People like this see non-Anglo faces and literally cannot see anybody else

  25. BSchoolThrowaway192 Avatar

    Lol this loser is probably okay with gentrification UNTIL it happens to him and all that Chinese money comes flowing in. He’s a broke loser plain and simple

  26. restinstress Avatar

    This man literally just said “Italian culture > Chinese culture”, admitting that he doesn’t care if that makes him a racist, and 130 people agreed with him. Jesus Christ society is a shithole.

  27. Gffcom Avatar

    I guess I’m different. Whenever I go into parts of town with signs in a different language, my first thought is usually “let’s find a restaurant”

  28. mr-louzhu Avatar

    “I’m not racist. I just don’t like people who don’t look and act like those from my own ethnic group.”

  29. CloudReflection Avatar

    It’s funny because before the big wave of Asian immigration to Australia starting around the 80s, Italians (and other Mediterranean peoples) weren’t even considered white.

    I remember reading a very striking anecdote of a particular Greek family growing up in Australia in the 60s, and the abuse they had to endure ranged from being called “fucking dirty wogs” to having their family fruit shop burnt down.

    Now they’re considered white, because a group that’s even more “un-Australian” has come along and bumped them up the social ladder.

  30. StoneageRomeo Avatar

    These people have absolutely zero self-awareness. I also live in Melbourne, Australia.

    One of the biggest racists I’ve ever worked with was a first generation Australian. This dude was literally the son of immigrants, and he had the nerve to be complaining about immigrants fucking up this country.

    One day I said to myself “fuck it, this’ll be a laugh. I’ll use this dopey cunts logic against him.”

    So I prepared myself and constructed a racist rant tailored specifically against him and went to work locked and loaded.

    He was, as usual, getting fired about immigrants ruining this country (which again, ironic, because his parents are Italian and we were working in a restaurant owned by Italian Immigrants. Funny how it was only Asians and Africans that were a problem though).

    I reminded him that his name was Carmello and that his parents are immigrants. He counters with “nah mate, I’m a skip. I was born here.”

    That was it, my moment to spew some of his own hateful rhetoric straight back at him.

    I don’t remember word for word what I said, but this is roughly it.

    “If a pig is born in a stable, does that make it a horse? Of course not. I grew here, you flew here. You’re a wog, here stealing jobs from us True Blues. Get the fuck out of my country and go back to where you came from.”

    Surprise surprise, he’s suddenly on the defensive and talking about how immigrants like his parents are hard working, decent people who helped build this country.

    I’m sure they are, but they sure raised a shit-cunt of a human with zero self awareness.

  31. JimblesNewtronbo Avatar

    boo hoo people travel and immigrate

  32. DogWithADog Avatar

    “35% of Australians are casual racists, and the rest are full-time”

  33. StoneageRomeo Avatar

    I normally wouldn’t weigh in, but I feel like I have to at this point.

    I’m a white Australian. My family has been here since the 1700s. Does this make me an O.G. Australian? Absolutely not.

    Me and and all my ancestors for the past 300 years have been born on this land. Does that make us the original owners if this land? Of course not.

    When someone, who a few generations ago was an immigrant, complains about immigrants, we see a classic pattern emerging.

    My entire life, I’ve had no choice in the basic factors that define my existence. I have had no choice in being a straight, white, male, born to reasonably wealthy parents in Australia.

    I didn’t ask for any of that, and I didn’t choose any of that.

    What I did choose was to not be a cunt based on the colour of the pigment in my skin,

    White people in Australia are afraid of becoming a minority because they know all too well just how bad we’ve treated minorities in this country since day dot.

  34. Ever-Hopeful-Me Avatar

    Um yes. That literally makes you a racist.

  35. xerotul Avatar

    “They come into the country, and a good chunk of them never learn enough English, never try to assimilate into Australian culture.”

    And White settlers did what to indigenous people? Maybe the Chinese should kill off you racist assholes too.

  36. DrFodwazle Avatar

    They say that they’re everywhere and then complain that they seem to stick together. What?

  37. spicynuggies Avatar

    That entire subreddit is basically just “racist opinions”

  38. DorisCrockford Avatar

    >But this is *Australia*!

    Lol, what a chump. What’s next, dogs and cats living together??

    Reminds me of a Monty Python bit where a man is complaining about “Chinamen.” “I can’t get in the bath without four or five of them jumping in with me. Aaargh, they’re crawling up my leg!”

  39. milkdrinker3920 Avatar

    Reads like the manifesto you would see after this dude goes on a mass shooting

  40. lastdetectiveV3 Avatar

    why do you censor their name lmao

  41. uWu_Cucumber Avatar

    But the mass immigration from his ancestors was totally fine amirite?

    I’m sure the natives understood.

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