Florida Cop befriends elderly woman who later discovers the cop had been forging checks in her name, the women tries to press charges so the cop has the woman committed to a mental hospital then tries to murder her when she’s released.

Florida Cop befriends elderly woman who later discovers the cop

Florida Cop befriends elderly woman who later discovers the cop had been forging checks in her name, the women tries to press charges so the cop has the woman committed to a mental hospital then tries to murder her when she’s released.


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32 responses to “Florida Cop befriends elderly woman who later discovers the cop had been forging checks in her name, the women tries to press charges so the cop has the woman committed to a mental hospital then tries to murder her when she’s released.”

  1. AngelaHemenway Avatar

    >Investigators learned that the woman had asked Bybee to take care of her dog while she was ill and in the hospital. He received a check for $1,000 in case the dog had medical needs. However, the affidavit accuses Bybee of depositing that check in his personal bank account. **In addition, he allegedly gave the dog away on Craigslist without the woman’s consent.**

    Is the death penalty too harsh? /s

    But seriously, what a prick.

  2. 49orth Avatar

    Florida man hybrid with Florida police officer.

    last updated 6:43 AM, Nov 10, 2017…

    SARASOTA, Fla. – Former Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office deputy Frank Bybee has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for kidnapping.

    Last month, a jury convicted Frank Bybee of kidnapping 79-year-old Marcia Sohl in January 2017.

    Bybee broke into Sohl’s house and forced prescription medication into her mouth.

    He was also sentenced to 10 years of probation.

  3. baddada1 Avatar

    Her mistake was befriending a cop.

  4. Gamerjack56 Avatar

    Two lessons here don’t befriend a cop and this is what happens when there’s no accountability

  5. xTemporaneously Avatar

    > “It would be nice to have somebody who wore this uniform for 18 years to be forthright and give us the truth,” Knight said. “But he’s a criminal, and he’s acting like a criminal. So thus he gets arrested and treated like a criminal.”
    > Knight said that Bybee had previously been suspended twice for violations of internal policies.

    That’s going to be a tough few months of paid leave while the PD “investigates” this.

  6. beastio95 Avatar

    This reminds me of one other cop that did something very similar. The f**ker shot his wife in the head I believe but she survived but couldn’t remember if it was him or not despite evidence suggesting it was. I think he got off somehow. Does anyone know the case? I think I watched it on That Chapter (youtube).

    Edit: Its the Jessica Boynton case.

  7. AgntSmecker Avatar


  8. QuestionableAI Avatar

    I’ll wait for the mini-series.

  9. Barbarossa7070 Avatar

    He cares a lot.

  10. HorrorScopeZ Avatar

    Dateline needs a Cops version. Stories about Cops gone bad.

  11. MurdockSiren Avatar

    Cops are not your friend.

  12. WouldYouLikeToBuyaG Avatar

    Well at least they ~~took away his pension.~~ Nope nope… no they didn’t.

  13. WhatACunningHam Avatar

    In this week’s episode, Florida Man tries out being a cop. Shenanigans ensue.

  14. clamdever Avatar

    And if you try to protest it, you’re now a criminal

  15. nickberia Avatar

    He’s 46. My god. What else has he done?

  16. Pinoybl Avatar

    Holy shit man. Wow

  17. Shakespurious Avatar

    Wow, this stuff happens all the time. Oh wait, that was 2017!

  18. SenAbsolom Avatar

    Simply unbelievable. There’s no way this is true. I refuse to believe this cop faced actual consequences.

  19. Clouty_McKarmaface Avatar

    ” To Protect, and Serve “.

  20. AaronBaddows Avatar

    Anyone. ANYONE can get into police forces. It’s like they don’t even try to find the bad apples when in the academy.

  21. candidly1 Avatar

    Well? How ELSE was he supposed to steal all of her money?

  22. Iron_Baron Avatar

    He’s been a cop for 18 years and been suspended twice before for policy violations. Imagine what other depravity we could uncover by digging through his past. Nobody does this kind of stuff as a first-timer.

  23. CameTheR0n Avatar

    So standard issue police behavior? I don’t see the point your trying to make…

  24. Gerreth_Gobulcoque Avatar

    Initially I thought it said beheads and I was like sounds about right then I kept reading and I was like maybe I’m wrong then I kept reading and I was like no actually yeah this sounds about right

  25. bigbaddyjuice Avatar

    Piggies gonna pig

  26. DisciplineNo9874 Avatar

    Seems like a kkkop thing to do.

  27. dtallee Avatar

    [“Assistant Public Defender Marc Gilman said Bybee has had two brain surgeries to remove a tumor the size of a grapefruit and a stroke since he was imprisoned in 2017 for crimes against the elderly.”](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/crime/2021/01/08/former-sarasota-county-deputy-frank-bybee-had-his-sentence-reduced/6594414002/)

  28. Antique-Effort Avatar

    [Swindled](https://swindledpodcast.com/podcasts/season-2/23-the-deputy/) has an awesome podcast episode about it.

  29. LephanT69 Avatar

    “It’S JUsT a FeW BueRd AppA’s!”

  30. duggtodeath Avatar

    “Who will defend you from fraud and attempted murder if you defund the police?”

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