11 Russian politicians signed an open letter demanding an independent doctor be immediately allowed to see Navalny. “You, the President of the Russian Federation, personally bear responsibility for the life of [Navalny] on the territory of the Russian Federation, including in prison facilities”

11 Russian politicians signed an open letter demanding an independent

11 Russian politicians signed an open letter demanding an independent doctor be immediately allowed to see Navalny. “You, the President of the Russian Federation, personally bear responsibility for the life of [Navalny] on the territory of the Russian Federation, including in prison facilities”


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30 responses to “11 Russian politicians signed an open letter demanding an independent doctor be immediately allowed to see Navalny. “You, the President of the Russian Federation, personally bear responsibility for the life of [Navalny] on the territory of the Russian Federation, including in prison facilities””

  1. Acadia-Intelligent Avatar

    Oligarchs realizing there will be eleven government openings soon.

  2. thewharfartscenter_ Avatar

    If Navalny dies, I hope it’s revolutionary suicide and it starts the fall of Putin. However, All I think that will happen is a bit of protesting and we go back to the usual in Russia.

  3. wrathfulgrape Avatar

    Per Russian ambassador to the UK Andrey Kelin,
    > “I can say that Mr Navalny behaves like a hooligan, absolutely, in trying to violate every rule that has been established. His public purpose through all of that is to attract attention…[Navalny] has got the necessary medical treatment and **believe me, we will take care of his medical treatment.**”


  4. particularly_red Avatar

    besides the obvious bigger issue I feel so sorry his wife and kids. Imagine seeing your father going trough all of this.

  5. ScytheNoire Avatar

    Putin laughs. Russia isn’t a democracy.

  6. RemyH Avatar

    So they are not okay with this, but totally okay with Putin poisoning him, and sending him to prison on bullshit charges?

  7. isakhelgi6 Avatar

    11 *former* Russian politicians

  8. icecube373 Avatar

    Lol I hope they burn Putin and all his oligarch cunts to hell over this

  9. Attackchopperfetish Avatar

    I’m pleasantly surprised to hear this

  10. infinit9 Avatar

    Super surprised there are politicians still willing to be openly against Putin. Unless this is done with Putin’s blessings to make it seem like he tolerates opposition.

  11. pdf_document Avatar

    You get suicided! And you get suicided! And you get suicided!

  12. LeanBean90 Avatar

    May those 11 politicians be safe from harm.

  13. TheDdogcheese Avatar

    I hope Putin is toppled before he dies of old age. What an evil, evil human.

  14. dreamer2020- Avatar

    I really don’t understand Russia in this case. Where are the people of the street? This man suffered from state-attacks, and its relative silent, its a disaster. I can tell you know that Navalny will be ported as a hero in 100 years from now.

  15. rickster907 Avatar

    Well look at that, now we have a very clear list of the next 11 people to either “fall” out of a 10th story window, “accidently” find nerve agent in their toothpaste, or wind up dead in a prison camp.

    All hail Tsar Vlad I. Isn’t he “great”.

  16. -TobyLarone- Avatar

    Summary: 11 Russian politicians have mysteriously disappeared. *”I don’t know what you’re talking about. Never heard of them. We don’t have politicians in Russia. I’m the only one. What Ukraine invasion? Never heard about it.”* replied Putin when asked about said politicians’ whereabouts.

  17. ro_musha Avatar

    Futile letter that is as useful as reddit petition lmfao. Navalny is a victim of global political soap opera, if you care about your life, don’t be a hero

  18. I_are_Lebo Avatar

    I really don’t understand why so many Russian politicians seem to be throwing themselves onto the fire in what will obviously be an unsuccessful attempt to oust Putin.

    He doesn’t play by the rules, so trying to use the rules to take him down does nothing but paint a target on their backs.

    If they’re really that dead set on martyring themselves, they should be trying to assassinate Putin, not oust him.

  19. Parrowdox Avatar

    Tomorrow’s news – “11 Russian Politicians are all found to have ‘accidentally fallen’ from their balconies (but 3 lived on the ground floor..)”

  20. allhailzod Avatar

    Putin ‘wishes him well’…

  21. MacStylee Avatar

    Putin might as well go Full Saddam on them at this point.

    Get everyone into a room, get the dissenters to line up, and get the rest of the other politicians to execute them in front of everyone.

    And stream it live on the national networks.

  22. 1337AaronBurr Avatar

    Russia has 11 open seats if anyone is looking.

  23. ImGCS3fromETOH Avatar

    Navalny getting eleven new cellmates soon. That should cheer him up.

  24. andnndiwo876 Avatar

    Huge appreciation for the 11 politicians for speaking up and their bravery. It is truly a horrifying reality. This is why history sacrificed so many lives for democracy in many countries. Im saddened that we are still losing beautiful souls for it. Democracy is a gift from our ancestors and needs to be protected with our whole heart.

  25. randycomesup Avatar

    RIP 11 Russian politicians thoughts and prayers.

  26. rbmk1 Avatar

    There are 11 Russian politician vacancies you say?

  27. SloppyPuppy Avatar

    Odly enough they all fell from their balconies.

  28. TheNakedMars Avatar

    In other news, Gulag 837 is proud to welcome 11 new guests of glorious Motherland!

  29. Overtaker40 Avatar

    11 Russian politicians fall down the stairs in freak accidents.

  30. daveinthe6 Avatar

    11 soon to be former politicians?

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