Days Gone Director: ‘If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price’

Days Gone Director If You Love a Game Buy It

Days Gone Director: ‘If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price’


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45 responses to “Days Gone Director: ‘If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price’”

  1. Itz_Jolly Avatar

    Like everyone else has said, people aren’t gonna buy it right after it releases if it’s reception is that it is full of performance issues. And I’m sure as hell not gonna roll the dice by pre ordering.

    I’ll happily pay full price for a new release if it deserves it. I just bought It Takes Two for 40 bucks. It’s from the people who made A Way Out. Amazing coop game and I want to see more from the developer, so I’ll happily vote with my wallet there. And guess what? It’s a fully polished, finished game.

  2. RockHandsomest Avatar

    There’s very few franchises I’ll buy day one and that list shrinks pretty quickly.

  3. p-_ber Avatar

    Didn’t the game score low partially due to how buggy it was at launch?

    Certainly stopped me from buying it at full price.

  4. breafofdawild Avatar

    How can you love a game before you’ve purchased it? Surely he isn’t advocating that people buy games twice?

  5. Souperman55 Avatar

    Wasn’t Days Gone not well received at first because of technical issues? Seems strange to release a game unpolished and be surprised when people wait to get it on sale, if at all.

    It’s also just a bad idea nowadays to buy a game full price without waiting to see reception to it. Even with that you might get screwed like with Cyberpunk where they only let people review the version that ran relatively ok. Still can’t believe they got away with that move.

  6. OptimusPrimeTime21 Avatar

    That’s a weird thing to say bc I can’t love a game until I buy it, and there are very few I will give the benefit of the doubt to at full price.

    Pay 60/70 bucks to find out if something sucks?

  7. infamusforever223 Avatar

    Since developers like releasing buggy, broken games(Cyberpunk, Anthem etc.) I don’t buy games at launch anymore. Why should I spend my hard earned money on something that doesn’t work.

  8. outlawkelb Avatar

    Well make a finished fucking game.
    Saying this to gaming industry as a whole.

  9. DontYuckMyYum Avatar

    I’ll pay full price when games are launched in a completed state, that isn’t a buggy shit show.

    Until then they’ll get my money when the game is at least 65% off original price and like it.

  10. Xeccess Avatar

    No, I don’t think I will

  11. OptimusPrimalRage Avatar

    How do I know I’m gonna love a game before I play it?

  12. Battlehenkie Avatar

    If you love your work, ship when its fucking ready.

    Sounds like that works in the opposite direction too!

  13. dringypie Avatar

    Every time I think I’m just starting to like this game the voice actor for Deacon starts shouting his voice lines at the top of his lungs

  14. kad4724 Avatar

    Counterpoint: “If you want me to buy a game at full price, make a better fucking game.”

    Blaming gamers for buying games on sale is a ridiculous attempt to shift blame for why the IP ultimately failed. This guy just sounds like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum because he didn’t get what he wanted.

    Blame your publisher for shitty refund practices that don’t allow us to try a game for a couple hours before we decide if we want to keep it. Blame your publisher for putting your game on sale 5 months after launch. Blame yourself for not launching a finished product that people couldn’t wait to play. Don’t blame the very people who are the only reason you have a job in the first place.

  15. Artanisx Avatar

    I would, if games nowadays got released in a fully, working, stable and complete state…

  16. KittenOfCatarina Avatar

    Gimme a demo so I can fuckin’ find out if I love it.

  17. GreyRevan51 Avatar

    lol well he just instantly lost a lot of love with that statement

  18. Hungry_Grump Avatar

    Days Gone was mediocre at launch and was riddled with issues. The dude wants us to blindly put faith in a new IP despite putting put a bug-riddled mess.

    Sucker Punch launched Ghost of Tsushima, and is a new IP. Word about how good it is and high quality of it, and it spread like wildfire, causing loads of people to buy it at full price.

    Sucker Punch put out good quality games and thus securing more fans willing to put in the money where their mouth is.

  19. ErickJail Avatar

    /r/tomorrow has jokes about buying Nintendo games at full price so then the *poor indie developers* at Nintendo don’t starve

    Today that joke is real

  20. Sumanovicius Avatar

    I agree if the game is top-notch at launch (and you can watch reviews to find out), but if your game is half-backed, even if the mechanics, graphics & story are good, it already devalues your game at half the price for me.

  21. The_King_of_Okay Avatar

    While he does sound salty, I do feel bad for any devs reading comments about their upcoming game and mostly seeing “I’ll wait till it’s a PS+ game” (Godfall, Dreams, Days Gone, etc.) or “This should come to gamepass!” (every game apparently).

  22. eugene-fraxby Avatar

    No, lol.

  23. UniQiuE Avatar

    Lol, maybe if devs didn’t keep releasing half finished games I’d be more inclined to buy them at full price on release day.

  24. Ryancc1016 Avatar

    If it’s a game from a company like Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sony Santa Monica, Fromsoftware or even Rockstar then sure. Sony Bend has NO reason to be saying this though. They took an incredibly long time to come out with a game, and that game was arguably Sony’s worst exclusive game they produced on the PS4. It wasn’t a bad game but it was mediocre compared to everything Sony puts out. Guy just sounds bitter that the sequel got canned, which is understandable if you put all your efforts into a game for multiple years of your life. But it just wasn’t a quality franchise game going forward and most of us should understand that. More opportunities for a better game to come from it.

  25. Vastarien202 Avatar

    Agreed; FINISH THE DAMN GAME BEFORE LAUNCH and then I’ll consider it. It’s not worth it anymore to pre-order anything because we keep getting lied to! I’m not your fucking free beta tester for something that should’ve been fixed, polished, and fully completed well before it ever had a price tag on it. I’m sick of getting half of what I paid for and a third of what I was promised!

    Now, some things do happen between announcement and Launch, I understand. Not all things are doable in the time or budget allowed; but when you have repeated incidents like Batman, Assassin’s Creed, No Man’s Sky, it becomes quite clear that the value for time and devotion on my end isn’t there.

    You wanna hitch your britches and tell me to pay for what I love? I’ll do that when you’re capable of delivering something of that caliber the first time. Until then, fuck you kindly.

  26. MurkTehJerk Avatar

    I guess if you belong to a lower income bracket, buy the game at a discount and love it with all your heart, your opinion ultimately doesn’t matter since you didn’t pay full price.

    Fuck this guy. I’m glad he can’t finish his story.

  27. SomeKidFromPA Avatar

    Maybe make a game worth loving? Days Gone was fine, and a sequel would have had a lot of potential to be great, but I would have been very disappointed if I paid full price for it. It just doesn’t compete with tLoU, God of War, Spiderman, Horizon, Bloodborne. It’s a tier or two (or three) lower imo.

  28. TwicePuzzled Avatar

    I was enjoying Outriders on gamepass, so I paid full price for the PS5 version. Haven’t been able to log on since day 2. If you want me to pay full price make games that are complete and that actually work.

  29. BoulderCreature Avatar

    The last time I tried to buy a game at full price, it turned out to be Cyberpunk. I’ll stick with waiting til the price drops thanks.

  30. dospaquetes Avatar

    While I categorically disagree with this precise statement, because that implies that whatever price they set is *the right price*, I think he has a tangential point in that if you buy used games you are absolutely not supporting the developers. So if there’s a game you really want to play, consider buying it on sale but new instead of used

  31. EverquestJunky Avatar

    How do I know I love a game before I buy it?

  32. Glitch_Ghoul Avatar

    Should I ask my magic 8 ball if I love the game before I’ve ever bought it?

  33. postvolta Avatar

    Virgin ‘buys at full price’ consumer:

    * Pre-orders games for digital deluxe bonuses
    * Always buys games at full price
    * Pays for the privilege of playtesting unfinished games
    * Continues to support unethical games development by paying for games from studios that have a toxic work culture
    * Spends so much money on loot boxes that game developers don’t bother making decent expansion content anymore

    Chad ‘patient gamer’ consumer:

    * Waits for reviews before purchasing games
    * Never pre-orders
    * Avoids games that lock content behind exclusivity such as platforms or pre-orders
    * Never pays for lootboxes
    * Waits for games to be finished before buying them on sale
    * Will wait *years* to play a game that is content-complete and patched
    * If a game is never fixed, the game will never be purchased
    * Votes with wallet

  34. GreenMonkeyFace Avatar

    If you make a game, finish the f*cking thing before release.

  35. BAKS7U Avatar

    Lol make a complete fucking game before you sell it then

    And how can you love a game before you play it? Was he drunk when he said those things

  36. 9shadowcat9 Avatar

    Sure. I’ll do that when games are released actually complete and not full of micro transactions.

    Also, wasn’t this game buggy when it was released? I remember there being bugs when I played it.

  37. Rivent Avatar

    If you want people to buy your game at fucking full price you should try releasing a fucking finished, polished game.

  38. StupidFuckingGaijin Avatar

    Don’t give it to me for free on PSN, tinhead

  39. wolfnathos1 Avatar

    Bit awkward when your game is literally on the ps plus collection…for free…..

    *cricket noises*

  40. szzzn Avatar

    I’m not responsive to game developers who say: “buy it at fucking full price.”

  41. DaedricPrinceOfChaos Avatar

    Why is everyone so hot on this game all of a sudden? It really isn’t that great, not every game Sony releases is some masterpiece or underrated gem. Sometimes a decent game is just a decent game

  42. lionio2310 Avatar

    He says that after making his game free on PS + , Ps+ collection and Ps Now nice

  43. Elephant_Memory_ Avatar

    I bought the game at full price, but now that next gen games have gone to the 69.99 price tag, I’ll be waiting for sales for games.

  44. Krevant Avatar

    No. With the amount of unpolished games coming out within the last few years, I will never buy a game at full price again. Devs lately seem to think that they can charge full price for a beta test, and fix bugs later. That is not acceptable to me.

    Also Days Gone is an average zombie game. I know DG2 isn’t being made and that is in the news cycle right now, but damn the first one was pretty meh. Riddled with bugs when it came out, and just some annoying gameplay mechanics. Days Gone didn’t do anything to earn that full $ price tag. It’s free for PSN and that seems more of where the value in the game is.

  45. RonaldRaingan Avatar

    The fact he’s said this when Days Gone released buggy as fuck is outrageous. Fuck Days Gone. Fuck those devs.

    Happy Sony didn’t green light a sequel to this generic open world zombie shite. Because that’s what it is.

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