More than 70% of Russians cannot imagine the New Year without tangerines – RT in Russian



Half of Russians believe that a festive feast is the main item of expenditure for the New Year, analysts from the Package service from X5 found out. RT reviewed the results of the study.

More than 70% of Russians cannot imagine the New Year without tangerines

Another 44% note that this year they will spend the most money on gifts; only 3% of respondents each single out the purchase of an outfit for the New Year and decorations for the home as the biggest expenses.

According to respondents, the most money will be spent on salads and snacks—36% of respondents think so.

“In second place are alcoholic drinks (32%), in third are hot dishes (30%),” experts said.

In the ranking of dishes and products without which it is impossible to imagine the New Year, tangerines are in the lead (74%), the study emphasizes.

“Next are Olivier (64%), sparkling wine (56%), herring under a fur coat (53%), sandwiches with caviar (47%) and jellied meat (29%),” the experts added.

In addition, analysts have calculated that the minimum cost of a festive table per person this year will be 460 rubles.

“At the same time, the most expensive dish is expectedly sandwiches with red caviar. A portion for one person will cost from 153 rubles. Olivier for one – from 67 rubles, and herring under a fur coat – from 66 rubles. A Russian will spend at least 42 rubles on tangerines, from 75 rubles on sparkling wine, and from 58 rubles on jellied meat,” the company concluded.

Earlier, analysts found that for New Year's dinner Russians plan to spend on average 12 thousand rubles.

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