After Going ‘Free of L.G.B.T.,’ a Polish Town Pays a Price: Krasnik voted to be “free of L.G.B.T.” two years ago to satisfy conservative voters. Now, the mayor regrets the move, which has led to censure from other European countries and put funding at risk

After Going ‘Free of LGBT a Polish Town Pays a

After Going ‘Free of L.G.B.T.,’ a Polish Town Pays a Price: Krasnik voted to be “free of L.G.B.T.” two years ago to satisfy conservative voters. Now, the mayor regrets the move, which has led to censure from other European countries and put funding at risk


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36 responses to “After Going ‘Free of L.G.B.T.,’ a Polish Town Pays a Price: Krasnik voted to be “free of L.G.B.T.” two years ago to satisfy conservative voters. Now, the mayor regrets the move, which has led to censure from other European countries and put funding at risk”

  1. Lee1138 Avatar

    Surprise, surprise, they also voted to ban 5G in sept. 2020…

  2. superflippy Avatar

    > He said he had drafted the resolution after watching an online video of abortion rights activists screaming at Christian men in Argentina. Although that had nothing to do with L.G.B.T. issues or Poland, Mr. Albiniak said the video showed that “we are dealing with some sort of evil here and can see manifestations of demonic behavior” around the world that “must be stopped.”

    I’m beginning to believe we humans are too stupid to effectively govern ourselves.

  3. Dash_Harber Avatar

    “We have a right to do what we want!”

    “Sure do, and we have a right to not trade with you, not visit you, and not have anything to do with you”

    “Wait … What?”

  4. Discourteous_Driver Avatar

    >Krasnik’s mayor said he worried that unless his town’s “free of L.G.B.T.” status is rescinded, he has little chance of securing foreign funds to finance electric buses and youth programs, which he said are particularly important because young people keep leaving.

    Fucking lol. Sure, the reason young people are leaving is because y’all don’t have enough *youth programs*. The level of mental gymnastics in this article is hilarious.

  5. TravellingBeard Avatar

    > *Cezary Nieradko, a 22-year-old student who describes himself as Krasnik’s “only open gay,” dismissed the term “L.G.B.T. ideology” as a smoke screen for homophobia.*

    All I could think of when I saw “only open gay” was [Dafydd]( from Little Britain.

  6. mukaezake Avatar

    > What initially seemed a cost-free sop to conservatives in the rural and religiously devout Polish borderlands next to Ukraine, the May 2019 decision has become a costly embarrassment for the town of Krasnik. It has jeopardized millions of dollars in foreign funding and, Mayor Wojciech Wilk said, turned “our town into a synonym for homophobia,” **which he insisted was not accurate.**

    He can get fucked.

    All I can think of is any poor gay kids in this town and the damage this kind of stunt will do to them. This mayor, and the conservatives who pressured him at large, deserve all the backlash that they’re getting.

  7. kalirion Avatar

    “All we did was ban all pro-homosexual views in our town. Why would anyone think this makes us homophobes?? What a crazy world this is!”

    > Jan Albiniak, the Krasnik councilor who drafted the resolution, said that he had nothing personally against gay people, whom he described as “friends and colleagues,” and that he wanted to contain ideas that “disturb the normal, regular way our society was functioning.”

    > He said he had drafted the resolution after watching an online video of abortion rights activists screaming at Christian men in Argentina. Although that had nothing to do with L.G.B.T. issues or Poland, Mr. Albiniak said the video showed that “we are dealing with some sort of evil here and can see manifestations of demonic behavior” around the world that “must be stopped.”

    Has this been posted to r/nottheonion yet?

  8. Yukisuna Avatar

    He regrets the economic hit, not being a total piece of shit of a human being.

  9. spccbytheycallme Avatar

    Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of their own actions…

  10. knargh Avatar

    What happens with the lgbt people if every city is free of them? Where should we deport them to? Maybe they should fully commit. Like their neighbour did, 80 years ago. What a great experience for Poland back then.
    This shit is so fucked up. How can you suffer so much under fascism, just to copy it some time later

  11. Lessiarty Avatar

    Good. Choose to live in the past, don’t be surprised when you’re left behind.

  12. gelastes Avatar

    > and, Mayor Wojciech Wilk said, turned “our town into a synonym for homophobia,” which he insisted was not accurate.

    “Just because I quack like a duck doesn’t mean I am a duck. I could be lying, you know?”

    I know people who genuinely believe that being gay is a choice and evil because that’s how they were indoctrinated as kids. I have more respect for them than for a mayor who lets his town get the label of homophobia HQ and then says “we didn’t mean it, it was just to cater to the idiots”. The first ones have despicable views but the later is a despicable person in my book.

  13. BoobieDobey01 Avatar

    I say let those anti-LGBTQ towns rot. The young people will leave, many going to other countries that are less conservative.

  14. ejheron05 Avatar

    I don’t understand why people can’t just let others live as they please😂

  15. mrRabblerouser Avatar

    I kind of love it when conservative idiocy plays out exactly the way everyone with a functioning brain would predict it would.

  16. OGwalkingman Avatar

    Conservatives in america are extremely jealous of this town.

  17. Lumko Avatar

    The Polish should know better than any Europeans how painful it is to have to be hated just because you are born the way you are, or have they forgotten

  18. universe-advisor Avatar

    “Krasnik’s mayor said he worried that unless his town’s “free of L.G.B.T.” status is rescinded, he has little chance of securing foreign funds to finance electric buses and youth programs, which he said are particularly important because young people keep leaving”

    Why does nobody ever connect the dots that young people are leaving BECAUSE of this medievel shit? _”oh they must be leaving because we don’t have electric buses!”_

  19. Total_Indecision Avatar

    What we’re they expecting to gain from this? Were they expecting that gay people were the secret economic problem all along and that implementing segregation would somehow improve their lives??

    (I’m lgbt and seriously asking?)

  20. xiphoidthorax Avatar

    Yeah, make the gays wear pink triangles like the guy who invaded Poland 80 years ago!

  21. KecemotRybecx Avatar

    This is what happens when you evict gay people.

    The place sucks and no one wants to live there.

  22. Dependent_Zebra_ Avatar

    Oh no, the consequences of my actions

  23. SquishyGhost Avatar

    I wish I could see the bullshit they’re peddling in that town right about now. Because I guarantee the conservative outlets are absolutely not going to own up to their shit. At no point are they ever going to go “hey guys, I guess we were wrong about this one. Let’s work on our intolerance issues.”

    They’re going to double down and blame imaginary leftist cabals running globalist orgs and insisting it’s the rest of the world beating down the little guy for having “morals” or “good christian values” or whatever. Pedophilia will likely be mentioned a few times because why not? It’s got to be wild over there.

  24. SalsaForte Avatar


  25. Insect_Jaded Avatar

    Almost like conservative values are generally backwards, who’d have known.

  26. Sugar_Python Avatar

    Why can’t they just leave us alone. Why do we have to face discrimination and prejudice just because of who we love. Its incredibly unfair.

  27. pooshooter56 Avatar

    For every action, there is a reaction. This just happened to be a negative one for both ends (good move on other European countries)

  28. CornucopiaOfDystopia Avatar

    *Well, well, well… if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.*

  29. Siddlicious Avatar

    “…because young people keep leaving.”

    Gee. I wonder why.

  30. Therandomfox Avatar


  31. Skibsons Avatar

    Ugh i am from Krasnik and its embarassing as fuk

  32. fuzzycuffs Avatar

    But you’re being intolerant of our intolerance!

  33. Ziriath Avatar

    When I see something about the LGBT free zones in such villages in the middle of a plains, I must think about their only gay, who is sixteen, nobody knows that about him, and he sits by computer alone and everything he wants, is just to be finally an adult and move to a big city.

    I can’t see how pride parades and lgbt can be even a topic there. Until some bigot politician brought it up.

  34. Cantothulhu Avatar

    What the fuck is wrong with Poland? They were directly attacked during WW2 by an authoritarian party of purity and genocide but actively celebrate those same means of subjugation and actively choose them…. what’s the disconnect I’m not seeing?

  35. -Zak Avatar

    imagine being an LGBT kid growing up in this town 🙁

  36. tauntology Avatar

    For decades now, young people have been leaving Poland. Those from rural areas have no intent to ever come back.

    As a result, those who stay are the ones who are either uneducated or old. And, as a result, they tend to strongly vote for parties that tell them they should be proud of whom they are. It’s not really about ethical conservatism, even though that plays a part. It is an appeal to tradition, heritage and patriotism because that makes them feel good about themselves. It’s often the only thing they have.

    As a result they elect people who enact policies that drive out even more young and educated people. Meanwhile, the voters don’t realise how connected the two are.

    This happens in rural Poland, rural Turkey, rural America…

    And the only answer would be for a party to still give them that sense of regional or national pride, combined with non-horrible policies.

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