Americans overwhelmingly say marijuana should be legal for recreational or medical use

Americans overwhelmingly say marijuana should be legal for recreational or

Americans overwhelmingly say marijuana should be legal for recreational or medical use


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37 responses to “Americans overwhelmingly say marijuana should be legal for recreational or medical use”

  1. fellowuscitizen Avatar

    “As more states, including Virginia and New York, continue to legalize marijuana, an overwhelming share of U.S. adults (91%) say either that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use (60%) or that it should be legal for medical use only (31%). Fewer than one-in-ten (8%) say marijuana should not be legal for use by adults.”

    Come on Congress, get busy for the people.

  2. hockeypeg18 Avatar

    You’d be hard pressed to find any other issue on which 90% of the country agree.

    Legalizing it should be an absolute no-brainer, so of course it’ll get stuck in the Senate booby trap that is the filibuster.

  3. dpforest Avatar

    I don’t know a single person that thinks it should remain illegal and I live in extremely conservative rural Georgia. That’s saying something.

  4. llahlahkje Avatar

    Unfortunately the GQP in my state are beholden to the Tavern League who is worried people will stop drinking as much if they have access to legal marijuana.

    Fuck the Tavern League, fuck the Wisconsin GOP.

  5. Church_of_Cheri Avatar

    And here I am sitting in SC where the State Attorney General said marijuana was the most dangerous drug only a year ago or so and the closest legal dispensary is 8 hours away in our nations capital.

  6. thefatalninja Avatar

    As someone who’s smoked weed for many years, I’m so tired of seeing this fucking headline. Our politicians clearly don’t give a fuck what we want. At least, not enough of them do. Just legalize it already, Jesus Christ.

  7. 9mac Avatar

    Guarantee Chuck Schumer drops his legalization bill on 4/20

  8. zveroshka Avatar

    I still think it’s hilarious pathetic that people selling weed legally in their state have to all sorts of financial gymnastics to pay federal tax because their business is technically illegal according to the federal government. They still expect every penny of the taxes though. Fucking just legalize it already.

  9. janethefish Avatar

    Can we please legalize MJ already? Like, put a label on it that says “drugs are bad m’kay” and tax it. We can either save on enforcement or redirect the resources too.

    Also narcoterrorists are bad m’kay, so stop giving them a market!!! Shifty capitalists >>> narcoterrorists m’kay.

    P.s. Also carbon fee. If we get an outbreak of sanity in gov, carbon fee.

  10. NovarisLight Avatar

    I had a 2-vertabra injury last year that left me with chronic, very hurtful back pain and weakness.

    I was prescribed a 5mg Hydrocodone up to 4x a day. 120 a month. It cost me about $60 to fill.

    I used them when needed, and eventually it took more and more to kill the pain. It made my appetite very poor, my stomach upset, my bowel movements were painful and uncommon, heavy sleep, and after about 3 months I got addicted to it, without knowing it right away.

    I did the smartest thing I could and got rid of them, minus about 10 so I could taper off. Withdrawal was pretty bad, but the most I ever had in one day was 30mg. The first 2 days I felt awful, back pain, sweating, no appetite, sleeplessness, until I thought about something I had left from a trip I had taken months prior.

    I took a few puffs from some flower, and within minutes, I felt calmer, I stopped fidgeting, I either forgot about my pain or the cannabis worked magically, and within 10 I was asleep. I ate like a champion when I woke up hours later.

    I went down to 5mg/day to 0mg/day in a week. I started taking cannabis daily, once or twice, only a puff or two. To this day, my back pain is nearly non-existent, I have a solid appetite, I take daily walks, my depression and anxiety issues are gone, I’m so much happier, and I’m about to be back in the workforce. Zero want to use another opioid ever again.

    That $60 in opiates felt like hell. About $60 a month in cannabis feels like heaven. My quality of life is so much better. The downside? Drug tests by employers. I can’t get a position that I went to college for because of drug testing.

    The plus side? I’m hopefully going to be making you the best damn pizzas I can. I love doing it, I’m good at it, and I will be proud of myself again for doing things the right way.

    There’s no reason why adult use shouldn’t be legal.

  11. Android5217 Avatar

    At this rate 99% of Americans will live in a place with legal weed before the federal government does a single thing. It’s incredibly dangerous to have such a complacent federal government, at a certain point they lose real power when they refuse to act or act out of pettiness to spite the population they supposedly serve.

  12. [deleted] Avatar


  13. ToneDiez Avatar

    Remember when government was supposed to serve the PEOPLE, and govern based on the demands/voice of the population?

    Also, it’s no surprise that the most hypocritical political party, Republicans, are the main ones against legalization. They claim their values consist of things like: personal liberties/freedoms, privacy, free markets, and “smaller government”. Yet here they are on this issue, telling the majority of Americans: “You can’t do/have that!”

    It’s no secret this stance is most likely due to their donors/lobbyists that funnel money into their coffers. Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, Evangelicals, Private Prisons; and of course law enforcement/DEA.

    Your “values” don’t mean shit if you can be paid to turn your back on them. That’s why your whole party is a joke.

  14. ariana_grande_is_hot Avatar

    Stop posting about it and just fucking do it. I’ve seen these posts for months and people are still rotting in jail over pot.

  15. WHAMMYPAN Avatar

    I find it AMAZING that you can drink as much alcohol as you want and possibly DIE ,smoke as many cigarettes as you want and have bad health or maybe cancer….but the government draws the line at laughing at cartoons and eating snacks when you get high.

  16. drvondoctor Avatar

    Give me the weed.

    *all of it.*

  17. _-nocturnas-_ Avatar

    The fact that Congress hasn’t passed any comprehensive Cannabis reform when over 90% of the country believes that it should be legal in some form is proof that the federal government is so out of touch with their constituents.

  18. urbanlife78 Avatar

    That is amazing, it was no where near this positive back in the 90s. With so many states legalizing it now and people are realizing that legal weed isn’t going to destroy society like the propaganda lied to us all about, it will be great to see the US finally making weed legal.

  19. calmybalmy Avatar

    My dad, straight edge for nearly his entire life admitted to trying pot only a few times when he was young. He’s now 72 with a chronic lung disease. THC tincture and gummies are helping with his anxiety and pain. He’s now a believer in the efficacy of it. My mother, extremely straight edge is also coming around to the idea that maybe it’s not so bad and shouldn’t be as regulated as it is. If you’d have asked them 5 or 10 years ago, they’d not have been as open minded.

  20. DoomsdayGSD27 Avatar

    So marijuana has been used by people recreationally for who fucking knows how long. If there were any long term or permanent effects, I think we might have even a clue about them. So naturally (pun intended) it’s illegal still. Now when we had cars which were relatively brand new for humanity and they had a knocking problem, the engineers and executives decided that putting lead in the fuel was a great way to stop the knocking. Then they were all shocked pikachu when it was discovered that breathing in lead fumes were harmful to literally everyone and that lead contaminated pretty much everything in the environment. So naturally, it was legal to do without studying the effects of doing this. The real pisser though is that we have known lead is harmful to humans since the times of the Romans.

    So to sum up: Marijuana is illegal because it’s bad and we don’t know the effects of it, but any type of synthetic substance can be used by millions of people without so much as a quick study to see the long term effects. God I love capitalism so much.

  21. Skitsnacks Avatar

    And here we are in Dumb Zealand where last year people voted against legalising it. And despite the fact that we’ll over half of adults have tried it. Hypocritical poison-drinking toxic buffoons

  22. Limp_Distribution Avatar

    Why does Congress and I mean both houses, have such a hard time representing the will of the people?

  23. vaelroth Avatar

    Aaaand my religious use is left out yet again.

  24. ganlet20 Avatar

    I want a YouTube channel dedicated to religious conservatives getting stoned for the first time.

  25. Schmokes-McPots Avatar

    Man, if only this would actually happen instead of just being talked about.

  26. SomeRandomPerson66 Avatar

    From my perspective it seems like the only reason republican are so against it is because they cannot control it like the tobacco or alcohol industry.

  27. con_founded Avatar

    America is ready to let its hair down and enjoy itself, after 250 some years

  28. oakstave Avatar

    But… But… How are Republican for-profit prisons supposed to remain viable without a large supply of peaceful pot smokers to imprison? Won’t somebody think of the billionaires?!

  29. WinterSkeleton Avatar

    I think all drugs should be legal, end the stupid war on drugs

  30. tastysharts Avatar

    AYYY. I’m part of a group I never wanted to be a part of cancer/immunological dysfunction/die young. I am going to smoke until I cannot smoke no more. Literally.

  31. DustyBawls1 Avatar

    I wanna meet this 10% of people to see what they look like. My guess Old old ass white people.

  32. 13urneracct Avatar

    What’s the argument to keep this illegal? I’ve seen this stuff help people with anxiety, help them eat due to cancer, calm down chronic pain for people, and also…the sweetest thing, seeing people laughing…having fun.

    It’s a god send, legalize it for everybody…

  33. OrangeSlicer Avatar

    Every state needs to consider this to recoup all the losses during the pandemic and revitalize our cities. I would gladly walk downtown to buy recreational pot and visit my local pizza shop while lighting up a spliff for a day. Who knows, maybe I will buy a vintage toy or something while I’m down there. Support local businesses – who really need it in these times.

  34. fataltacos Avatar

    It’s just a matter of time until it’s federally legal. Unfortunately, republicans are gonna fight it all the way to the end. It’s gonna waste years of our legislatures time to inevitably be legalized and end up making millions in tax revenue. Fucking embarrassing

  35. comradegritty Avatar

    I can’t believe Biden is so resistant to rescheduling marijuana so states could allow it medically/recreationally. The wind is clearly blowing in that direction.

  36. mycroft2000 Avatar

    Canadian here. Myriad forms of recreational cannabis have been legal here for, what, two and a half years now? And reports of negative consequences have been completely absent from the national media. Even the expected rash of “high driving” charges failed to materialize. And trust me, if bad shit were happening, the Conservative Party would be carping about it incessantly; but they seem to be totally fine with it.

    In other words … Get it over with, USA. You’ll be glad you did.

  37. Justalazykid Avatar

    Water is wet

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