How to manage a bar

How to manage a bar

How to manage a bar


View Reddit by MohanBhargavaView Source


29 responses to “How to manage a bar”

  1. kc9283 Avatar

    Nothing makes a bar money like having a higher female to male ratio. Make women feel safe and they will be more willing to come back and possibly bring friends.

  2. WizardBloke Avatar

    Band was like *uhh… we’re still getting paid right?*

  3. Aquam8te Avatar

    Same goes for the Angel Shot thing, where there are several types of Angel Shot; each leading to a “safe exit” like staff accompanying you out of the pub, calling the police or such

  4. DRAWKWARD79 Avatar

    Right now in my home town shit is hitting the fan… there is an instagram page where women can anonymously tell their stories of surviving sexualized violence… this page now has 22k followers and every single day new posts go up naming their aggressors and telling their stories… these accounts are vetted very carefully and every effort is made to insure there are no false allegations. With a false report percentage of less than one percent its not that hard. What i am getting at is the bar scene here is getting absolutely scrubbed of the sick fuck individuals that would do this and do harm to the women in my fair city… multiple accounts of the same men… serial raping incapacitated women… drugging drinks, bartenders overserving and taking advantage of that… there needs to be stricter rules and practices put in place to protect women and give them a safe space when theyre out drinking. Bars like this are doing it right. I applaud this so so much.

  5. jocky300 Avatar

    “Tonight! On “Things That Never Fucking Happened”, we discuss mermaids, unicorns and Jesus. But, first, here’s a little story about a bar, a drink, a lady and a whoooooooole bunch of bullshit.”

    Edit: Can I just take a minute to say hello to the “Sort by controversial crew”. You’re doing God’s work.

  6. rogue_star_dust Avatar

    Why wouldn’t the girl just tell the bar manager who the guy was that she saw and then call the police?

  7. engineerfieldmouse Avatar

    Then everyone clapped? I mean that is overkill right? Just go ask the dude. If he has a good explanation the girl will still respect the bar for doing that and a few free drink will make the dude happy. Stop a concert for an hour AND let the dude remain anonymous? Yea ok

  8. rxsheepxr Avatar

    I don’t know if it’s because I’m skeptical by nature, but I don’t believe a word of this story.

    But much like the existence of heaven, I *hope* it’s true. I just can’t force myself to buy into it.

  9. che-tango Avatar

    Screw that guy

  10. bl1y Avatar

    Press X to doubt.

  11. jimtrickington Avatar

    Unfortunately for the guy, it was a ring – as he was about to propose.

    Lesson learned…when about to ask for your girlfriend’s hand in marriage, don’t go to Nick’s.

  12. YogurtclosetOk9592 Avatar

    That story is well at it’s place on “NextFuckingLevel”.

    I can’t help but feeling a bit skeptical, though… I mean, changing EVERY women’s drink because 1 person claims to have seen something! I’m not saying that I disagree, but in these COVID times, it sounds like a recipe for bankruptcy. Wouldn’t it have been more reasonnable to make an annoucment but only change the drink of the lady in question?

  13. chetsteadmen420 Avatar


  14. HotSauceCommitteeMem Avatar

    There is zero chance the whole bar wouldn’t mind there being no music and the lights on for an hour. This doesn’t seem real at all

  15. ghostface_vanilla Avatar


  16. Rombartalini Avatar

    It’s the human thing to do. What would you do if you were the manager of a bar?

  17. rharrison Avatar

    Why did they leave the lights on for so long? The band stopped for an hour, but they didn’t identify the guy who was doing it and kick him out? Did everybody clap?

  18. Employment_Inner Avatar


  19. zck2020 Avatar

    And then everyone clapped.

  20. dakaraKoso Avatar

    fake as fuck

  21. bumjiggy Avatar

    people who try to roofie others deserve to meet hot shingles in their genital area

  22. NicholasFelix Avatar

    lmao wat

  23. bust-the-shorts Avatar

    Great way to get a free drink

  24. [deleted] Avatar


  25. KidGold Avatar

    What was the reason for the lights and no music for an hour afterwards? To prevent the guy from doing it again?

  26. careful_guy Avatar

    How couldn’t they catch the guy after the first girl already identified the guy when she came up to the bartender?

  27. SMarcher48 Avatar

    Or a clever way to buy a round for everyone 😉

  28. Love_God551 Avatar

    That’s an awesome sign of human goodness. We don’t hear enough of these stories.

    You have to search the evening news for the miracle, but it’s almost always there.

    Perspective is key; just like the patrons of that bar showed!

    That’s awesome!!!!!

  29. Aaaaaaaaaaah12 Avatar

    And after everyone cheered initially, they all sat around with the lights on in dead silence for an hour? Lol are you serious w this? What group is going to wait around for this shit to get sorted? Stuff like this kind of makes me question how many people on Reddit have been to bars …

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