In Kingsman Golden Circle (2017), Taron Egerton was too uncomfortable to film a scene where he had to reach into a woman’s underwear. So, the director hired the actress’ husband to replace him for the closeup.

In Kingsman Golden Circle 2017 Taron Egerton was too uncomfortable

In Kingsman Golden Circle (2017), Taron Egerton was too uncomfortable to film a scene where he had to reach into a woman’s underwear. So, the director hired the actress’ husband to replace him for the closeup.


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20 responses to “In Kingsman Golden Circle (2017), Taron Egerton was too uncomfortable to film a scene where he had to reach into a woman’s underwear. So, the director hired the actress’ husband to replace him for the closeup.”

  1. Thatoneguy3273 Avatar

    Man, this was a fun scene to watch with my parents

  2. lanceturley Avatar

    Imagine being asked to finger your wife on camera for a film you’re not even in, and it’s not even a porno.

  3. kajma Avatar

    A true gentleman

  4. sitruC_Acid Avatar

    Hmmm. I thought those fingers looked unfamiliar.

  5. JOH010 Avatar

    I also would feel uncomfortable there.

  6. Slayre77 Avatar

    The whole movie was a fever dream honestly

  7. Squifferific Avatar

    I was watching this movie on an international flight and the video paused for an announcement right during this scene. The announcement had to be repeated in French. It was slightly awkward.

  8. 40ozSmasher Avatar

    I feel uncomfortable that this was even a conversation. Also what pay do you expect to receive for this?

  9. WorkingOnItRN Avatar

    NSFW[kingsmen video]( link to the scene described above

  10. JoeWehnert Avatar

    OH you meant the husband reached into her pants. I thought to myself “how was Egerton more okay with that???”

  11. RealityCheck18 Avatar

    Yup.. I remember this scene. While watching the movie on an american airlines flight, everyone’s entertainment system failed at the same time freezing their screens. Mine was stuck in this. It took another 30 mins to reach Dallas..

  12. Yuma017 Avatar

    I respect Taron Egerton for respecting himself, the actress and her boundaries

  13. nikkiweem Avatar

    Good guy Taaron

  14. 249ba36000029bbe9749 Avatar

    That scene and the princess anal scene in the first one are just weird unnecessary additions to the films.

  15. mundus1520 Avatar

    I felt like that scene was unnecessary

  16. glowtape Avatar

    This could have been a separate B-roll cut involving none of the actors, but I guess reasons.

  17. liarandathief Avatar

    Note to husband (and other fellas): trim your nails.

  18. meteos88 Avatar

    So the husband is Gustaf Skarsgard? From Vikings?

  19. retiredhobo Avatar

    Pay me to grab my wife by the pussy? I’m in!”

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