Journalistic Integrity 3

Journalistic Integrity 3

Journalistic Integrity 3


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33 responses to “Journalistic Integrity 3”

  1. godonan Avatar

    Never expected from the original Journalistic Integrity video that this would turn into a trilogy.

  2. TheFinalMetroid Avatar


  3. SeabirdSky Avatar

    Ooft, I’ve never seen Phillip go off like this before.

  4. vlakreeh Avatar

    This is the 3kliksphilip equivalent of a diss track, this is amazing lmao.

  5. w23333 Avatar

    Richard Lewis and Thorin are right, social media does degrade the mind, unfortunately this also applies to them.

    Wonder how long it will take Thooorin to make a vague tweet talking about how he can blow up the industry and Phillip with the information he has. Wooo

  6. withers003 Avatar

    Am I following this whole thing correctly?

    Phillip made a video addressing some comments Richard and Thorin made on their podcast. Richard misunderstood the title of that video and took it as a personally attack. Then Richard went on a twitter rant for a hours?

    I’m watching the VOD of Richards stream where he reacting to this video now. He is misunderstanding 80% of the things Phillip is saying. How can someone with his track record as a journalist misunderstand Phillips comments so badly?

  7. ProfeszionalSexHaver Avatar

    Phillip’s clap backs have always been really good, but this one’s on a whole other level.

  8. International_Cut_13 Avatar

    After all these talk of being disingenuous it’s really funny that Thorin accuses Philip of doing this videos for money. You know how little money these short videos make Thorin. You have just as much or even more videos as Philip on your YouTube channels

    Stop acting like a dickhead

  9. hapskii Avatar

    *Grabs popcorn*

  10. DeletedTaters Avatar

    I follow a lot of the games, but not a lot of the *scene*.

    Before yesterday all I knew of Richard Lewis was that he was the one who helped expose shady gambling sites and the iBuyPower throw (right?). He contributed a lot of good to the scene and is a great guy.

    1~2 hours later (now): this guy is one of the most toxic insecure assholes I have ever seen… *And it was his own damn words that showed this, no one else’s*

    I think it’s great someone is calling him out.

  11. anstaffer Avatar

    I didn’t know before that I needed 3kliksphilip’s commentary channel in my life.

  12. Claymourn Avatar

    > Richard’s latest tweet is an interesting one. It sounds… almost like the start of an apology. That’s big of you richard, and I commend you for that. I’ll be here for the day you want to finish it.

    Can’t wait for him to break down on stream again over this.

    E: Lmao, he said it was sarcastic. What a dumbass.

    E2: RL said his tweet was sarcastic. I wasn’t saying 3kliks was being sarcastic, that’s obvious.

  13. Loveoreo Avatar

    Can you call yourself “journalist” when you can’t look at things objectively? Yeah his integrity should be questioned

  14. KKonaxD123 Avatar

    wtf, always knew Thorin was a clown but not RL. What is this childish shit.

  15. EnzoScorza22 Avatar

    Lol this is hilarious but 3kliks is 100% in the right. Richard Lewis is a manchild. So quick to spew shit about others unprovoked but hates it done back to him. So quick to resort to personal insults and such for the mildest provocation and if he’s caught being hypocritical for the 400th time he’ll just block the person. Guy talks about sellouts and integrity but he’ll do nothing but suck off HenryG ‘cos hes a mate’ despite the abysmal failure of C9 CS but would have gone to TOWN if someone like Dead or whoever had flopped a huge project that badly.

    He’s capable of great work and producing good content but eventually everyone has the moment where they realise the guy is a bit of a twat. My moment came when I asked if they made audio-only podcast versions of BTN and Richard Lewis replied calling me a selfish twat or words to that effect and told me to stop listening because he didn’t want people like me (who enquire about audio-only options) watching his content. Instead of just ignoring the question/replying no like a normal person would have done.

    Bloke is pushing 40, it’s really time to grow up

  16. sslemons Avatar

    Some nights I wake up in a cold sweat worried I’ll spend every minute of my thirties arguing with teenagers on twitter

  17. [deleted] Avatar


  18. rulatore Avatar

    Richard is gerting beaten in his own game.

    There’s a big point I think people are missing that is not far from reality is that: how can you trust someone this paranoid with serious journalistc stuff if he has difficulties understanding a phrase in english and twisting all the words into something else completely unrelated

    Now, I’m not calling him a liar, everything about those investigations in CS are true and many of his other work stuff is somewhat good

    No one deserves the treatment he got from all the communities he is not welcome anymore, death threats, needing bodyguards, all of this is taking its toll and clearly shows in his online behaviour

    He really should be better off getting some treatment and sticking to journalism (which he is so proud of) and not engaging in these non journalistc adventures.

    It’s like he’s caught in a spiral of constantly making things hard for himself just for the sake of it nowadays

    Eventually he’ll be out of reputation points and will be pushed out from another community, being remembered for the wrong reasons

  19. s0megenericname Avatar

    I have thoroughly enjoyed some events and things that Richard Lewis has done – bot majors, exposing the gambling scene, etc….. but l am quite frankly bamboozled by his actions – especially on Twitter.
    He seems to think the world revolves around him, and the last thing he could ever be is wrong. He was given so many easy outs by Phillip – Phillip admitted that the title of his videos could be misconstrued – but he continues to double down on this absolutely braindead take. It just makes absolutely zero sense to me. I’m glad that Phillip has decided it needs to be called out, I don’t think this behavior by him and THORIN should be representative at all of our community – especially when we have such amazing people like WarOwl and Phillip.

  20. ujaku Avatar

    No two ways about it. Richard is dead wrong on this and has made himself look like shit. Mission accomplished I guess.

    In full disclosure, I regularly consume his content and respect his work. I have even defended him from time to time. I can’t wrap my head around this one though.

  21. JiberybobX Avatar

    It was getting harder and harder for me to respect/like thorin after all his attacks on pros over the years and his general toxicity, but this is the last straw – 3kliksPhillip is the *very* last guy I’d expect to come under attack like this. The two are clearly bullies and are getting a kick out of going after him, absolutely disgraceful.

  22. TRES_fresh Avatar

    I used to be one of RL’s biggest defenders, and I still acknowledge that he has done a lot to keep this scene honest, but he is 100% in the wrong here against philip.

  23. bei60 Avatar

    Can someone tell me if I got this whole thing right?

    RL: “you’re a paid shill”

    3: “okay, sorry about that mate, I will make a video clearing this up just to make sure no one thinks I was paid”

    RL: “HOW DARE YOU?!”

  24. IoanSilviu Avatar

    Although I would’ve expected and preferred for Philip’s side to end after the 2nd video, I don’t blame him for standing up for himself. Richard Lewis either purposely or delusionally keeps interpreting everything Philip says in the least charitable way possible, whilst expecting to receive the benefit of the doubt for his own comments. This whole thing shouldn’t have gotten nearly this big, but I’m glad it did because it exposed the fact that RL will stop at nothing if his ego is at risk.

  25. CMDR_BOBEH Avatar

    This is the same level of sarcasm as the userbenchmark video and I’m here for it

  26. WelshRobz Avatar

    Richard is such a manchild. My god.

  27. Vanillafrogman Avatar

    Never seen the community come together and agree on something like this it’s literally like 99% of people think Philip has been wronged and im here for it

  28. Shiputin Avatar

    Just why? There is no fucking reason to try to go after 3kliksphilip. Out of all the youtubers in the CS scene 3kliksphilip is the one with the most integrity. The response videos were all posted on 3kliksphilip’s personal channel and aren’t making a significant amount of money so 3kliksphilip might have been willing to edit the video to make it clear he was talking about his own integrity not RLs. Going straight to personal attacks on Twitter is never the best way to solve a problem.

  29. fckns Avatar

    I still don’t get why RL is blocking everyone that challenges his opinions? I get why he blocks those who are insulting him, but genuine and well written questions and arguments? Seems bizzare to me.

  30. Flibbernachi Avatar

    This is the most serious I’ve ever seen Phillip, and totally justified too. For once in an internet drama the blame lies solely with one side, and I can see absolutely no way you can believe the other sides claims.

  31. shadyvipy Avatar

    There goes Richard Lewis with 100’s of tweets for the next few hours. He’s so deluded and I think he has some mental issues, I’ve seen him block people that agree with him on twitter.

  32. B1rdi Avatar

    And Lewis is already going mental on Twitter, accusing kliksphilip of “bringing up someone’s family”. Yeah he did mention “his mother” but that surely wasn’t the point. It was just an example of someone that could see him going ballistic on twitter

    Damn he is crazy

  33. fuongbregas Avatar

    So according to Dick Lewis’s superiority by saying Phil is a patch note reader:

    – People who are working on CSGO are just bug fixers

    – CSGO pros are just losers who play an FPS game for living

    He belittled Phil but according to his logic, he is just a snitch who digged through others’ history and got famous through it.

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