Kim Potter, the officer who murdered Daunte Wright, has been arrested.

Kim Potter the officer who murdered Daunte Wright has been

Kim Potter, the officer who murdered Daunte Wright, has been arrested.


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26 responses to “Kim Potter, the officer who murdered Daunte Wright, has been arrested.”

  1. moriver77 Avatar

    Why was the boy out that late. He was 13. My parent told me nothing good come after 12:00.

  2. SpecialistRun8842 Avatar


  3. YesDaddymhmmm Avatar

    Reddit lawyers. I love y’all

  4. brad25901 Avatar

    Why is no one talking about the fact that if he didn’t try to jump back in the car and run this wouldn’t have happened….. just curious 🧐

  5. awildlotus Avatar

    Oblivion character creation screen

  6. GooblixTheGoblin Avatar

    Her mug shot reminds me of Charlize Theron in Monster.

  7. Gullible_Web4276 Avatar

    You clearly don’t understand the definition of murder

  8. anonanon5757 Avatar

    Did the country go into hysterics when the black officers murdered a 5 year old and his father in their car? Did anyone even hear about the White woman who was trying to flag gown a police car that was called to her house and the officer black officer driving reached across the passenger side and shot her dead when she approached the window? Did the nation go into fits when blacks lit a White child on fire after dousing him with gas? Maybe we need to start acting up when we are being attacked, maybe it is time?

  9. gbrfeller Avatar

    If you’re saying it’s murder then you’re the idiot

  10. cita4 Avatar

    How about when you all
    Put on that uniform and get into a situation like that then y’all can talk otherwise you do not understand shit

  11. wintdickler Avatar

    Moron shouldn’t have tried to flee. Nobody’s fault but his.

  12. waitingtodiesince93 Avatar

    Bootlickers: “if you comply, you will not die”

    Daniel Shaver, Botham Jean, Philando Castile, etc: “hol up”

  13. Good_Replacement9545 Avatar

    It’s still murder , just second degree

  14. JayDogg75 Avatar

    Don’t fight or flee and won’t get popped with the Glock.

  15. dbj989 Avatar

    Not yet. We need a conviction next.

  16. Sorry_Software_6925 Avatar

    Fucking bitch!!

  17. Rapidforms Avatar

    I don’t start shit and I obey the law so I’m pretty confident I won’t get shot by a police officer.

  18. WideTonight5663 Avatar

    bruh it wasn’t murder wtf, it’s manslaughter. it was an accidental death, not on purpose

  19. [deleted] Avatar


  20. Rizzo405 Avatar

    By the way, if I knew she didn’t intend to kill him I’d be a witness, instead I’m just some dude on Reddit.

  21. Roland_Deschain2 Avatar

    I think it is nuts that a less-than-lethal weapon is designed to feel and operate exactly the same as the lethal one. Their tasers should be held like a TV remote. Like a phaser on Star Trek: TNG. She still had the duty to not shoot the poor kid, but we don’t need to make these mixups more likely!

  22. DontTellUrMom Avatar

    Such a tragedy. A young man dead. A woman who spent 26 years serving the public, almost certainly headed for prison. Two family’s utterly destroyed. To think it could have all been avoided if Daunte Wright had simply chosen to not commit crimes and then not try and run away when caught.

  23. Ok-Dragonfruit-697 Avatar

    I’m white, but white women age like milk.

  24. anonanon5757 Avatar

    Had this been a black female cop and a White perp, you wouldn’t even have heard about it PERIOD

  25. dogeballs168 Avatar


  26. chicagoanimal Avatar

    Did Wright get a Justice Served for what he did to that girl?

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