Little husky awoos
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Pup: “Put me doOOOOWWWWn!!”
My dog is FURIOUS but I can’t stop watching it over and over it’s SO CUUUUUTE
What a lovely day in the background as well
Awww lil babies! They have the cutest awooooos
My dog woke up real quick when he heard this and gave me a bunch of head tilts. Double win!
Lol they start nonsense early
New puppy language for: “Put me down”.
I liked it when they said “WHOOOOOO”
These are terrifying animals, I hope they’re allowed to mix freely with the public so I can pet them and give them all the love they deserve
I cried at this because my dog that I had since a pupper had to get put down last night
Confused instructions ( None found ) I now own a farm of huskey
Your mogwai has a lovely singing voice.
They sound like baby wookies from star wars
Lol, these little dudes are pretty adorable. I’m not a dog guy but I think I’d have no choice but to give them head scritches.
At night they do voiceovers for spooky 90s halloween decorations
I’m surprised we don’t hear momma in the background.
oof please take care of their fleas!
At least two of those sweet little babies had fleas. Wtf.
These little puppers look absolutely terrified. Not cute :/
they afraid and calls for their mommy…
if you have a dog and he is kinda freaking out… it’s like you are hearing a baby in distress and you have no idea where this come from.
These kind of videos have to stop, seriously.
Seagulling is what it’s called. It means they’re in distress. Hungry, cold, ect. Happy and content puppies don’t make much noise. An instinctual behaviour that kept their ancestors safe from predators.
Fake internet points for scaring the shit out of a puppy. Typical
This is not cute, this pup is way way to young to be separated from its mother and is howling out of fear. This should not be celebrated.
This rustled the cat’s jimmies something fierce.
Why are we doing that to pups without their eyes open yet?
Attracted both my Labs, they got over-excited and knocked over my coffee…sigh!
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