Mailman goes brrrr
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You mean came home to NO mailbox. Cuz that shit is just goooone
That half hearted “it’s going too fast I’m just going to hope it hits something inanimate and stops” jog
What the fuck
That’s some sitcom shit
The postal service, even has a term for that scenario: Roll away Run away.
That light jog…
They didn’t even like….leave a note on your door or something?
Whelp. Them’s the brakes.
Those postal trucks are old and not in the best of repair sometimes. I wonder if her brake failed or if she forgot to apply it.
Strange place to take the pacer test
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Efficient bring the van to the mailbox
That is no kind of hustle when your damn truck is rolling away.
You thought the postal workers hate their job? Imagine how the trucks feel-
I know this is likely an unpopular opinion, but I fucking hate the “x x goes brrr” meme. I hate it as much as I hated the dab and the floss. Get off my lawn
USPS out there driving tin cans designed in the 50’s while police are rolling with the latest Dodge challengers.
That mailbox just disappeared
He just wiped it off the map
A lot of the comments seem to imply she be running full speed trying to jump into the the driver seat to stop the truck.
The chances of her failing the jump and getting run over are way to high to do some action movie shit like that.
I’d like to believe she assessed the situation and saw that even if the truck demolishes some mailboxes or destroys some personal property, all of that can be easily replaced.
Killing herself over some random stuff isn’t worth it.
Irony at its finest
This looks like something out of a mr bean episode
Mailman bringeth. Mail man taketh away.
Well it took one of thier kind
It be your own people.
I bet this makes Louis Dejoy happy
Apparently they dont know what PARK and Handbrake are
Is it still a federal offense when the federal agency that owns it, destroys it?
I wouldn’t rat her out, but I would sure meet her on her route the next day and ask her to pay for a new one.
The real question is where did it stop?
“Shooting stars starts playing”
I mean, if anyone’s gonna do it, it should be them.
don’t ever piss off the mailman
Mail truck goes brr, maillady chaces.
i wouldve just laughed nonstop
Did she mail it back in torn pieces, in a plastic baggie?
It looks like a stop motion video at first until they jog by
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