New Zealand wants to ban cigarette sales to anyone born after 2004 as part of plan to make nation ‘smoke free’ by 2025
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New Zealand wants to ban cigarette sales to anyone born after 2004 as part of plan to make nation ‘smoke free’ by 2025
View Reddit by Sulforaphane_ – View Source
What about cigars, pipe tobacco, ganja?
Didn’t NZ start synthetic drug usage a few years ago and then banned it again only to create a grey market?
nz also to ban child poverty and insane property prices…
Oh a black market in the making.
“Yeah, banning a common drug should work well.”
— American Prohibition
Alright now I hate smoke/smoking but if there’s anything I’m sure of, banning things don’t solve the problem. It creates a rampant black market (or well just getting other people to buy it for them).
The Prohibition of drugs doesn’t work…
I don’t smoke anything so I’m not vested in it. But, can’t find a way reconcile the logic of restricting cigs at the same time marijuana is being legalized. Simultaneously, no regulations on Vaping. These policies go beyond NZ and are happening elsewhere.
Honestly hate smoking, there are few more stupid things you can do to yourself, but this ain’t the way to deal with the problem
Seems like that failed war on drugs logic
Dear NZ, thank you. With drugs being increasingly legalized we needed a new black market and future smuggling opportunities. Sincerely, Organized Crime.
Nobody really has any clue what’s happening do they? No matter how much power and money someone has, they are still just a lost clueless moron like the rest of us.
Cigarettes are not good for you but Jesus this is fucking stupid.
Isn’t that working backwards? Aren’t most countries just giving people the right to smoke marijuana? Sure, tobacco is gross and harmful, but shouldn’t people have the right to smoke it if they please?
So in 2030 a 26yr old will be barred from something that most adults will be able to do?
Do you really want to go that route New Zealand?
I detest cigarettes. But i also detest stupid bans more.
New Zealand loves using the “Won’t somebody think of the children” tactic to enforce draconian laws.
Reddit’s userbase is overwhelmingly in favor of marijuana legalization and against the war on drugs, but there seems to be plenty of support for this cigarette ban in this thread. I know there are millions of people here with differing opinions, but I’m guessing there are a bunch of hypocrites on this issue as well.
Legalizing weed/joints: woke
Outlawing cigarettes: woke
“You’ll get the personal freedoms we say you’ll get”
Banning drugs has worked so well!!
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